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MoreLove-Holy Spirit Interactive“Soul Ties” and ethos Institute-Continued 01


JANUARY 31/UPDATED MARCH 12/15/17/18/20/22, 2013

Continued from http://ephesians511blog.com/2013/02/23/morelove-holyspiritinteractive-soul-ties-and-ethos-institute/


“Soul Ties” and ëthos Institute

This inquiry was undertaken at the requests of a national leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal from the archdiocese of Bombay and a diocese-approved lay ministry in Goa.

UPDATES MARCH 12/15, 2013

Criminal behaviour of the “official Ambassador of the Vatican’s official Encyclical”, “ambassador for the views of the Holy Father” and Catholic ministry “under the authority of the Archdiocese of Bangalore”


Around noon today, Mr. Francis Lobo received on his cell phone an SMS from +91 98805 36501. It was from Dominic Dixon asking Francis to contact Simon Rodrigues, Chairman of the Service Team of the Charismatic Renewal Services in Bangalore for necessary clarifications regarding the Ethos Institute, etc. Apparently Mr. Dixon has only now become aware of this report [which we have not sent to individuals on our mailing list].

Later, Francis Lobo received a 32-minute call originating from the same number. During the conversation, Mr. Dixon flaunted his media and political contacts and threatened to take Mr. Lobo to court because of his being associated with the filing of this report. Mr. Dixon informed Mr. Lobo that he had tapped Mr. Lobo’s phone and recorded his conversation with Fr. A. Sagayanathan, parish priest of St. Patrick’s Church. Unless I am mistaken, the unauthorised tapping of an individual’s telephone is a criminal offence. Interestingly, Mr. Lobo has never spoken with Fr. A. Sagayanathan either on the telephone or personally even though he has attended Masses celebrated by the priest. It has never been claimed in this report that Mr. Lobo had ever contacted Fr. Sagayanathan. The wider implications of this are that Mr. Dixon has got Mr. Lobo’s telephone under surveillance ["tapped"] for a very long time now, even before Mr. Lobo first enquired about MoreLove, according to his [Mr. Dixon's] own claim of course. Now, why would he have wanted to do such a thing? Does he routinely put randomly selected fellow-Catholics in Bangalore under surveillance in anticipation of future ‘threats’ to his “ministries”?

Whatever the answer to that riddle, this latest revelation does nothing to flatter the profile of a person in lay ministry and heading a Bible Institute which is recognised and supported by the local leaders of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, covenant communities like that of Colin Calmiano, and the Archbishop of Bangalore.

These church leaders might consider the possibility that their phones might be tapped by their associate Mr. Dixon and that in the event of their falling out with Mr. Dixon, his response would be to take them to commission gangsters to physically assault them, or to take them to court.


***Correspondence with the alleged “department of the ‘Vatican [that] conducts programs on deliverance“; my letters to Ms. Erika Gibello and her responses:

Erika Gibello
Francis Lobo
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 6:38 AM


Michael Prabhu
Erika Gibello
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2013 2:44 PM Subject: DOMINIC DIXON

You forgot to give your final reply to my letter of February 13 on this man.

A couple of hours ago, he called my web master Francis Lobo who also works with me on many Catholic issues along with Croydon D’Souza who met you in London last month, and threatened that he is going to file a court case against him because I published a critical report about Dixon’s ministries on my web site. Francis had done a bit of the initial investigation for me at my request and he gave permission for me to use his name in the report. Dixon spoke for half an hour threatening how he has high contacts etc. etc. I told you what he is like. He is very cheap and dangerous. He told Francis that he has tapped his phone! Sent to Ms. Gibello with MORELOVE document

Erika Gibello
‘Michael Prabhu’

Dear Michael, I simply will not renew Dixon’s Membership to IAD. To add, IAD is not an official Vatican approved private association; hence Dixon’s claims are uninformed. I will inform him and tell him to close his membership. I will state that Fr Rufus has departed and hence the Indian Membership might not be possible anymore. Thank for informing me.

From: Erika Gibello
Michael Prabhu
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:31 PM Subject: Re: DOMINIC DIXON

I have already answered what I will do with Dixon. This type of people cannot and should not be confronted head on. He might be psychotic. He is not a “good friend”. All he did was contacting me and wanting to be a member of IAD, I did not realise to what purpose. He has not answered to my invitation to give a talk, and by now all the slots for talks are filled. I simply will not renew his membership. As I wrote this is not a “Vatican approved Association”. It is simply a private association for the purpose of teaching and sharing in the ministry of deliverance by non-exorcist priests and lay people. 13.



As I had forecast, Mr. Dixon quickly made some modifications to one of his web sites on finding my report:


Due to their hectic clergy responsibilities, Fr. Faustine Lobo and Fr. Arul Raj could not be a part of our team as initially requested and desired.
Rev. Fr. Franklin D’Souza – National Director – ICYM
Rev. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel – Director – Delhi Catholic
Archdiocese Communication Bureau

Alex Anthony- Mentor, Jesus Youth India

We may recall that Fr. Faustine Lobo and Fr. Arul Raj disassociated with MoreLove after reading this report.


On the basis of the first threat from 98805 36501, I wrote the following letters to the “MORAL ADVISORS

1. Fr. Franklin D’Souza

Secretary CBCI Office for Youth

National Youth Director of ICYM – INDIA

icymnationaloffice@gmail.com; franklinphillip@gmail.com; coolfranklyn@rediffmail.com; frfranklin1973@yahoo.com;

Michael Prabhu
Fr. Franklin Dsouza ; Philip Franklyn Dsouza ; franklinphillip@gmail.com

Dear Rev. Fr. Franklin,

The following is a recently included extract from one of Mr. Dominic Dixon’s web sites:

Due to their hectic clergy responsibilities, Fr. Faustine Lobo and Fr. Arul Raj could not be a part of our team as initially requested and desired.
Rev. Fr. Franklin Dsouza – National Director – ICYM

I have published a report on Mr. Dominic Dixon which I am of the opinion you must read in totality, especially the last page entry in view of his recent claim that you are a “Moral Advisor” to his activities.

The said report is available at


but is also attached herewith for your convenient access.

The report will be further updated in a few days.

What you must be informed about concerning the disassociation of Fr. Faustine Lobo and Fr. Arul Raj with Mr. Dixon/MoreLove is that they took that decision after
Fr. Faustine Lobo received and read a copy of this report as requested by him and then informed Fr. Arulraj.

The two priests’ names were then removed from Mr. Dixon’s web site.

A couple of days ago, Mr. Dixon came to learn about my report, made some changes on the web site*, and telephoned one of my web masters Mr. Francis Lobo yesterday, threatening him with legal action and informing him that he [Mr. Dixon] had tapped the telephone of Mr. Lobo apparently since a long time ago. While these last details are on page 28 of the said report, you can confirm the veracity of my statements by calling Mr. Francis Lobo on 0 98453 58358.

God bless you,

Yours obediently,

Michael Prabhu

*Details of the other changes on Mr. Dixon’s web site will be included in an update to the report

From: “icym national office” <icymnationaloffice@gmail.com> To: <michaelprabhu@vsnl.net>

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 10:15 AM


Thank You for Your Mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
www.icym.net, www.youthactiv8.org

Indian Catholic Youth Movement
CBCI Office for Youth
CBCI Centre
1 Ashok Place, Gol Dak Khana
New Delhi – 110001
Tel: 011-23340773/23344470
Fax: 011-23715146/23364615


2. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel SVD


svddelhi@gmail.com; cibdelhi@gmail.com; frdominic@gmail.com;




Michael Prabhu
svddelhi@gmail.com ; cibdelhi@gmail.com


Dear Rev. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel,

The following is a recently included extract from one of Mr. Dominic Dixon’s web sites:

Due to their hectic clergy responsibilities, Fr. Faustine Lobo and Fr. Arul Raj could not be a part of our team as initially requested and desired.
Rev. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel – Director – Delhi Catholic Archdiocese Communication Bureau“… [As above]


After a second threatening call to Mr. Francis Lobo at 10:30 am on March 13, this time from mobile telephone number 96860 99777, informing him that a local gangster Muthappa Rai had been hired to attack him, I dispatched the following letters:

1. From:
Michael Prabhu
franklinphillip@gmail.com ; Philip Franklyn Dsouza ; Fr. Franklin Dsouza
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 11:29 AM with MORELOVE document


Secretary, CBCI Office for Youth

National Youth Director of ICYM – INDIA

Dear Rev. Fr. Franklin,

At 10:30 am today, Mr. Francis Lobo [0 98453 58358], Bangalore, received a call from mobile number 96860 99777.

The caller claimed that he belonged to some association and was speaking on behalf of Mr. Dominic Dixon and questioned him about his association with me and his involvement in this ministry’s report on MoreLove/Ethos Institute. He spoke for around 15 minutes.

The anonymous caller informed Mr. Francis Lobo that a notorious local thug named Muthappa Rai was being hired by them to deal with Mr. Francis Lobo.

The entire issue is gravitating into a potential police case, what with the claim of phone-tapping and all.

You will note that in my report we had foreseen this eventuality because Mr. Dixon has orchestrated vicious Internet slander campaigns against Bro. Fritz Mascarenhas and the seminarians of the International Catholic Programme for Evangelization [ICPE] and has published cooked-up news reports against others, written by fictitious journalists.

It is good that you know the true nature of the person you are dealing with, a man who claims to be an evangelist, a Bible exponent, a psychologist, and who is certified by the Vatican according to his web site.

It would help us to know your views on the matter. With kind regards,

Michael Prabhu


2. From:
Michael Prabhu
cibdelhi@gmail.com ; svddelhi@gmail.com



Dear Rev. Fr. Dominic…
[As above]


3. From:
Michael Prabhu
Arch bishop moras
ccbi@airtelmail.in ; cbcisec@gmail.com

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:34 PM and March 13, 2013 12:53 PM with MORELOVE document




Dear Archbishop Bernard Moras,

According to the web site of Mr. Dominic Dixon, his books and “ministry” activities are blessed and supported by you. Accordingly, you need to be informed of the following recent grave developments concerning this person.

From my Chennai-based ministry, which you are well aware of though you have not deigned to respond to a single one of a score of letters/reports from us from the day you assumed office, I have published a report on Mr. Dominic Dixon which I am of the opinion you must read in totality. The said report is available at


but is also attached herewith for your convenient access.

However, we believe that Fr. Faustine Lobo, National Director, Pontifical Mission Societies-India, who is apprised of the situation since over four months, must have already communicated with you on this issue as was anticipated of him.

A couple of days ago, Mr. Dixon came to learn about my report, made some quick modifications on the web site*, and telephoned one of my two Bangalore-based web masters Mr. Francis Lobo yesterday, threatening him with legal action and informing him that he [Mr. Dixon] had tapped the telephone of Mr. Lobo apparently since a long time ago. He provided details of the calls that he had alleged tapped. Mr. Lobo had also received an SMS from the same number which is recorded as +91 9880536501.



At 10:30 am today, Mr. Francis Lobo, Bangalore, received a call from mobile number 96860 99777.

The caller claimed that he belonged to some association and was speaking on behalf of Mr. Dominic Dixon and questioned him about his association with me and his involvement in this ministry’s report on MoreLove/Ethos Institute. He spoke for around 15 minutes.

The anonymous caller informed Mr. Francis Lobo that a notorious local thug named Muthappa Rai has been hired by them to conduct retribution on Mr. Francis Lobo.

The entire issue is gravitating into a potential police case,
what with the claim of phone-surveillance and all.

You will note that in my report we had foreseen this eventuality because Mr. Dixon has orchestrated vicious Internet slander campaigns against Bro. Fritz Mascarenhas and the then seminarians of the International Catholic Programme for Evangelization [ICPE] and has published cooked-up news reports against others, written by fictitious journalists.

It is good that you know the true nature of the person you are promoting, a man who claims to be an evangelist, a Bible exponent, a psychologist, and who is certified by the Vatican according to his web site.

It would help us to know your views on the matter. 

You may confirm the veracity of my statements by calling Mr. Francis Lobo on 98453 58358.

Yours obediently,

Michael Prabhu, Catholic apologist, michaelprabhu@vsnl.net; www.ephesians-511.net

*Details of the modifications made on Mr. Dixon’s web site will be included in an update to the existing report

CC: CCBI Secretary, Bangalore; CBCI Secretary, New Delhi

Sorry, the Dominic Dixon report was inadvertently not attached. Please find it herewith.


4. From:
Michael Prabhu
pmsindia66@gmail.com ; faustinelobo@yahoo.in

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:46 PM and March 13, 2013 12:54 PM with MORELOVE document


Dear Fr. Faustine Lobo,

You declined to acknowledge my follow-up letters to you after responding to my first communication.

Not hearing from you, I could not be sure if appropriate follow-up was being done at the archdiocesan level and I was morally obliged to make public my report at my web site after a wait of about three months.

If you remember, I had warned you of the serious dangers of anyone’s tangling with Mr. Dominic Dixon.

Now, I have the unpleasant task of updating you on the situation regarding this Bangalore archdiocese evangelist.

With regards,

Michael Prabhu

Michael Prabhu
Arch bishop moras
ccbi@airtelmail.in ; cbcisec@gmail.com

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:34 PM




Dear Archbishop Bernard Moras… [As above]

Sorry, the Dominic Dixon report was inadvertently not attached. Please find it herewith.

Fr. Faustine Lobo’s response may be viewed two pages below, on page 18.


My letter to the national leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal from the archdiocese of Bombay whose letter instituted the initial inquiry, and the leader’s response at the bottom of this page:

Michael Prabhu
To: Name withheld

Here is information bringing you up-to-date on Dominic Dixon-MoreLove/Aneel Aranha-HIS.

Michael Prabhu
Arch bishop moras
ccbi@airtelmail.in ; cbcisec@gmail.com

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:34 PM with MORELOVE document




Dear Archbishop Bernard Moras… [As above]

Michael Prabhu
pmsindia66@gmail.com ; faustinelobo@yahoo.in
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:46 PM


Dear Fr. Faustine Lobo… [As above]


From: Name withheld
Michael Prabhu

Thank you for keeping me updated. This is truly shocking news. At a time when the whole Church is praying for a new Holy Father, when we need to come before God in repentance and sorrow, such behaviour is deplorable. Please pray for your protection as well. Assuring you of my prayers, Mumbai





My letter to Fr. Adolf Washington, Bangalore, President of the Indian Catholic Press Association [ICPA],

Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of South Asian Religious [SAR] News Agency run by the ICPA, Public Relations Officer of Bangalore Archdiocese and Director of Communications in the Archdiocese.

Michael Prabhu
washingtonadolf@gmail.com ; Fr. Adolf Washington
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 1:48 PM


Dear Rev. Fr. Adolf Washington,

I am bringing you up-to-date on Dominic Dixon-MoreLove/Aneel Aranha-HSI. If you recall, he is the one who addressed you in an email as “Hitler” on 24 May 2007, and copied that email to others*.

With regards,

Michael Prabhu

Catholic apologist, Chennai FR. ADOLF WASHINGTON TELEPHONED ME ON MARCH 16, 2013

Dominic Dixon
Michael Prabhu ; Dr. Siga Arles ; Fr. Adolf Washington
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 8:40 PM Subject: PHONE CALL

Dear Fr. Adolf Hitler, [emphasis mine]

In regards to your phone call this evening, I’m responding. You had called and told me that something is either ‘spiritually’ or ‘mentally’ wrong with me. Well, I’m a member of the IAD under the Vatican
[emphasis mine] and approved as a deliverance minister. I’m a Psychologist and administer that way. So, sir, please discern before you speak out words of destruction. If I had a problem in the past with anyone, it’s between that person(s) and I [sic]
. If you can contribute, pls do so in reconciliation and not destruction/
you also told me to hold my guns and to also tell Dr. Arles and Prabhu to hold their guns. You were threatening on the phone. Why don’t you tell them yourself? You may have the name of a dictator, but you cannot dictate things to me, it won’t work! You said that some people on the mailing list said some things about me, well you wrote about them in your newsprint and we heard what they had to say about that/ Pls stop all these unpleasant things, you should know that better – being
[sic] a Priest

Michael Prabhu
Arch bishop moras
ccbi@airtelmail.in ; cbcisec@gmail.com

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:34 PM




Dear Archbishop Bernard Moras… [As above]

Michael Prabhu
pmsindia66@gmail.com ; faustinelobo@yahoo.in

Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2013 12:46 PM


Dear Fr. Faustine Lobo… [As above]


Having read Mr. Dixon’s rude letter to Fr. Adolf Washington, an eminent priest, I reproduce for the reader the related correspondence between me and Fr. Adolf Washington — and a letter that Dixon did not answer:

Dominic Dixon ; Dr. Siga Arles ; Fr. Adolf Washington
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 10:38 AM

Subject: Re: PHONE CALL

Dear all, I am back online only today, so I do not know if there has been any further correspondence on this issue.

So, let me apologize on behalf of Dom for the language and words chosen by him to write to Fr. Adolf.

We may not agree with one another on everything, but we are primarily Christians, followers of Jesus, called to serve and to witness. Hostility and confrontation are regressive and counter-productive.

We may want to express our views strongly and firmly, but please let us do so in a spirit of love.

There is so much of attack on our Faith and on the Church. United we stand, divided we fall. It is not from Scripture, but very true.

Dom, may I humbly request you to go over, meet Fr. Adolf, reconcile with him, and let us move together forward unitedly from there. [Emphases mine]

Love, Michael

Dr. Siga Arles
prabhu ; Dominic Dixon ; Fr. Adolf Washington
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 12:31 PM

Subject: Re: PHONE CALL

Wonderful. I agree with the content of this mail 100%.Thanks for the spirit and wisdom of this mail. I pray that Dom will have the grace of God to walk in the light. Dear Dom, I wish you well as you walk humbly with God and take leadership on sensitive issues. To tackle such, you should not allow your mind to get disturbed much. Keep cool. Take it easy. Laugh in His Spirit. Love – yes that is the cement. Let us march together for God’s glory and people’s welfare. Fr. Adolf Washington, I am sure you will reach out to Dom! Keen to get to meet you dear children of God.

adolf washington
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 9:46 AM Subject: FROM MICHAEL

Dear Fr. Adolf, I pray that you get your problem sorted out quickly. Victor Satish [ICPE] and Nalini used to tell me a lot about you, and Victor had suggested several times that I meet with you and make you aware about my ministry. I wonder if he spoke to you about me. I had also been invited by Fr. CM Paul SDB to attend the ICPA meeting in Bangalore on May 5, but I could not make it because of insufficient lead time, having already scheduled visits to Mangalore and Kochi from the 12th. I co-edit a Tamil/English fortnightly called The Catholic Times. Love and Prayers, Michael. 17.



adolf washington
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 10:01 AM Subject: Re: FROM MICHAEL

Thank you for your mail. We will meet and see how we can do great things for our great God.

I understand that you are well acquainted with Dominic Dickson but I’m sorry I had to say things that I felt, about him. 

I have told Dominic several times that I see a serious contradiction with his disposition and his ministry. 

I have gone through a tough (very tough time) and much embarrassment for telling him what was wrong about the way he talks to people and about himself and his ministry. [Emphasis mine]
Regards, Fr. Adolf  

adolf washington
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 5:45 PM Subject: Re: FROM MICHAEL

Dear Fr. Adolf,

I cannot say that I know Dom that well. I met him for about 10 minutes over three years ago at the KAIROS program in Chennai, and we started corresponding by email in October 2005.

Yes, I agree completely with your observations, and I have painfully watched him slowly destroying himself and his good ministry. On a couple of occasions, when he revealed his particular plans to me, I have given him some advice which he took and so avoided even more trouble for himself. But on other occasions where he has not shared with me, I was helpless.

So far he has not responded to my letter to you both on his calling you “Hitler”. I admire you for the restraint that you exercised in your response. I cannot say that I might have remained so cool!! [Emphasis mine]

I know some very good and sincere people associated with Dom, like Sunil Jose for instance. Again, Dom has, unlike the mainstream charismatic renewal that doesn’t do much for society in general, undertaken pro-action on several issues over the last few years. Since there are hardly any Catholics that venture out of their safe, insulated ministries, I have morally supported Dom in what he does, as long as he is faithful to Church teaching and authority.

I am terribly and sincerely sorry for the way he wrote to you, and about you; and I pray that as a priest, you will be able to take him under your guidance. Even more I pray that he will humble himself and work WITH you. Love & Prayers, Michael

adolf washington
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 8:56 AM Subject: Re: FROM MICHAEL

Thank you for your mail. I hope we meet someday. Regards, Fr Adolf




Here is the response of Fr. Faustine Lobo, National Director-Pontifical Mission Societies, and my reply to him.

Actually, his “response” to me was a forward of his response to Mr. Dominic Dixon who made an appeal to Fr. Faustine Lobo that was rejected by the priest. Mr. Dominic Dixon’s letter to Fr. Lobo is also copied here.

a) From:
Faustine Lobo
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 9:30 AM

Subject: Fw: FYI: False investigation


Sent: Friday, 15 March 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: FYI: False investigation

Dear Mr. Dominic Dixon,

I feel that I can not serve your organization in any capacity as it is impossible for me to make time as I am too much involved in the activities of the Pontifical Mission Organization. Hence, I request you to leave out my name either from the list of consultors/Board members or from the faculty of the Ethos.

Hence, don’t quote my name anywhere as the ‘above mentioned’ hereafter.

Fr. Faustine L. Lobo

c) From: Dominic Dixon domdix@yahoo.com

Sent: Tuesday, 12 March 2013 2:10 PM Subject: FYI: False investigation

Dear Fr. Faustine,

Peace & Greetings.

Fr. Its [sic]
has been brought to our intention [sic]
that some elememts [sic]
claiming to be Catholic investigators and supposidly [sic]
guardians of the Catholic Church have been causing havoc and misunderstanding amongst the faithful for many years.

During our prayerful enquiry, we intercepted emails and phone conversation transcrips [sic]
between these elements, yourself and others.
[Emphasis mine]
Namely Michael Prabhu from Chennai and Sunil Lobo from Bangalore.

Michael is not an approved ministry and neither does any diocese have an ‘investigation commission.’ This man has written against the Holy Father, against our Bishops and Priests. Michael in [sic]
banned from attending Catholic conferences as he was last banned from the CCR Goa conference for earning a name as a mischief maker.



In November, out of the blue, Sunil had asked me for our documents of approval and we had no idea who this man is. He only sent us mails but never wanted to meet us when we had invited him. We refused to give him any documents as we need to protect the integrity of the Church.

We had invited a Pastor as a speaker who is an expert in his area of teaching which is in line with the Eccumenism [sic]
commission of the Archdiocese.

As a Ministry, we are an Association of Faith under the Vicariate of Arabia under the name Holy Spirit Interactive (Canon 312, 2/314/317) and approved by the Archdiocese of Bangalore.

As you know, we are in good standing and harmony with our Diocese. We are a registered Trust snd [sic]
submit our audited reports to the Archbishop and Chairman of the BCCRS.

Please feel free to speak to Simon Rodrigues about this matter and the integrity of our standing. His number is +919342161851. Simon is copied in this mail.

Fr. Thank you for standing with us.

Love, Dom

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

d) From:
Michael Prabhu
Faustine Lobo ; pmsindia66@gmail.com
Francis Lobo

Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:03 AM Subject: Re: FYI: False investigation

Dear Reverend Father Faustine Lobo,

I thank you for this forwarded response of yours to Mr. Dominic Dixon.

If you had done the same earlier, on the basis of my initial private report to you and three subsequent unanswered reminders, and taken up the matter with the Archbishop about Mr. Dixon’s misrepresentations of approval from certain authorities, I would not have had to put my report in the public domain and he would not have had to threaten me and Mr. Francis Lobo with phone-tapping, physical assault by Bangalore thugs, and arrest warrants.

In addition to what I had informed you in my letter of “March 13, 2013 12:46 PM”, he has arranged yesterday to have me rudely called and informed [in Kannada] that a police warrant has been issued for my arrest.

By the way, all of what he has charged me and my ministry with in his letter to you of March 12 is absolute lies and total fabrication – which is not surprising considering they come from a man of his character — and which you yourself might have already understood as false. After all, he has now shamelessly informed you that “During our prayerful enquiry, we intercepted emails and phone conversation transcrips [sic] between these elements, yourself and others“, meaning that he has tapped your phones! But you do not appear to have minded.

I would suggest that you bring this matter to the immediate and urgent attention of the Archbishop of Bangalore, with the request that he institute an inquiry into both of our ministries, Mr. Dominic Dixon’s and mine, and you have my assurance that I will present myself in Bangalore and depose before any such commission of inquiry. I would welcome such an inquiry because it would bring wide media attention to the many New Age and other errors in the Archdiocese of Bangalore which I have repeatedly pointed out to the Archbishop in a series of letters before I eventually gave up because they elicited no response. See ARCHBISHOP OF BANGALORE-LETTERS FROM THIS MINISTRY 06 AUGUST 2007/UPDATED DECEMBER 2009 http://ephesians-511.net/docs/ARCHBISHOP_OF_BANGALORE-LETTERS_FROM_THIS_MINISTRY.doc

You may access my latest updated report http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MORELOVE-HOLYSPIRITINTERACTIVE-SOUL_TIES_AND_ETHOS_INSTITUTE.doc on Mr. Dominic Dixon/MoreLove tonight when it will be uploaded on my site, so I will not burden you here with my refutation of his false charges.

May I also inform you that the “recognition” of Mr. Dixon’s activities by the International Association of Deliverance, a private association and NOT A VATICAN BODY AS DIXON FALSELY CLAIMS, has been withdrawn as communicated to me.

With regards, Michael



Michael Prabhu
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 11:20 AM

Subject: Fw: FYI: False investigation

Dear Rev. Fr. A. Sagayanathan,

For your kind information please.

Michael Prabhu

Catholic apologist
[As above]


Apart from the letters reproduced above, I possess many more letters from Mr. Dominic Dixon that may require exposure if necessity demands. Those letters include attacks on those who he perceives to be his personal enemies, and letters from me requesting him — time and again — to remove my name from any association with his ministry. I was obliged to do that because he would plan programmes including me in them without my consent or give me high-sounding titles and exaggerated attributes as he is accustomed to giving himself. I have declined all of his invitations to participate in MoreLove programmes not because I thought that they were bad, but because of his acquired reputation for character assassination. 19.


Having said that, I will now refute, one by one, the false statements, lies and fabrications that he has leveled against me and my ministry in his letter of March 12, 2013 to Fr. Faustine Lobo, and which he copied to Mr. Simon Rodrigues, the Chairman of the Bangalore Service Team of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal who endorses his activities.


I. Fr. Its [sic]
has been brought to our intention [sic]
that some elememts [sic]
claiming to be Catholic investigators and supposidly [sic]
guardians of the Catholic Church have been causing havoc and misunderstanding amongst the faithful for many years.

Mr. Dominic Dixon lies. He only wrote the letter on March 12 when he became aware of my report to Fr. Faustine Lobo, MORELOVE-HOLYSPIRITINTERACTIVE-SOUL TIES AND ETHOS INSTITUTE

http://ephesians-511.net/docs/MORELOVE-HOLYSPIRITINTERACTIVE-SOUL_TIES_AND_ETHOS_INSTITUTE.doc was on which is on my web site since January 31. It was from that very same day, March 12, that Mr. Francis Lobo and I began receiving anonymous telephone calls and threats.

We have never claimed to be “Catholic investigators“.


II. During our prayerful enquiry, we intercepted emails and phone conversation transcrips [sic]
between these elements, yourself and others.
[Emphasis mine] Namely Michael Prabhu from Chennai and Sunil Lobo from Bangalore.

I have made just one call to Fr. Faustine Lobo, and that was on November 5, to confirm the appointment for me that Mr. Lobo had taken on his name. Mr. Lobo’s calls were made in October 2012. Mr. Dominic Dixon therefore has had, by his own admission, the telephones of Fr. Faustine Lobo under surveillance since at least October 2012, and he has the audacity to inform that to the priest! Amazingly, either that fact has not registered with Fr. Lobo or he is not perturbed by that revelation which constitutes a criminal act. It also verifies our already published disclosure that he informed Mr. Lobo that his phone was being monitored!

And for what purpose may we ask, since he only reacted to my report on MoreLove on March 12, 2013?


III. Michael is not an approved ministry and neither does any diocese have an ‘investigation commission.’

I have never claimed that mine is an “approved” ministry. However, I have received over a thousand letters from bishops, archbishops, Cardinals, the Papal Nuncios and Vatican dicasteries, many of them available in different reports on my web site, and not a single one of them has questioned the Roman Catholicity of this ministry, its complete fidelity to Magisterial teaching (… or my psychological stability!).

Again, we have never claimed to be an “‘investigation commission’“.


IV. This man has written against the Holy Father, against our Bishops and Priests.

All information published by this ministry is sourced from material that is already in the public domain; it is analysed and commented upon by me. In reporting doctrinal and liturgical abuse and exposing error, I make every attempt to be objective, but that may not always be possible. One may read Mr. Dixon’s coarse posts on a blog which describes itself as “Catholic” but is in reality anti-Catholic.

All the information published by me in the MoreLove exposé is documented as always [sources are given].

Mr. Dixon should explain what he means when he insists that I have “written against the Holy Father“. While he would be laughed at for making such a ridiculous claim by anyone who is familiar with my work, it is possible that he intentionally refers to a hypothetical scenario that I painted about the present impossibility of having an Indian Pope. If I have “written against … our Bishops and Priests“, my work is in the public domain and it is up to the individual Bishops or Bishops’ Conferences or their Executive Commissions to evaluate whether I am undermining the Catholic Faith or defending it. That eventuality would be improbable considering that a large number of them have been and continue to be in touch with this ministry.

I might add that the document on the Holy Father that Mr. Dixon refers to has received endorsements from theologians, priests, seminarians, overseas Catholic ministries and even a Cardinal who was an elector at the recent conclave that elected Pope Francis!!! Their letters are included in the referred document.


V. Michael in [sic]
banned from attending Catholic conferences as he was last banned from the CCR Goa conference for earning a name as a mischief maker.

I repeat: all information published by this ministry is sourced from material that is already in the public domain; that is to say, it is documented. The onus is on Mr. Dixon to proffer [even one word of] evidence from ANY source outside of my own writings that I have been “banned from attending Catholic conferences” or any single “Catholic conference“, even the “the CCR Goa conference“. It would be a blessing to me, because I have tried desperately to obtain any printed evidence of that, but failed miserably.

In fact, I have attended the said conference on the personal invitation of senior national leaders who can vouch for that. My integrity has never been called into question. Mr. Dixon’s has, always, and even now is.



VI. In November, out of the blue, Sunil had asked me for our documents of approval and we had no idea who this man is. He only sent us mails but never wanted to meet us when we had invited him. We refused to give him any documents as we need to protect the integrity of the Church.

All correspondence between Sunil [Mr. Francis Lobo] and Mr. Dixon was reproduced in the initial portion of the MoreLove report. No “documentation” was ever sought by him from Mr. Dixon. Straightforward questions from Sunil were answered with lies and devious explanations.

Dixon never invited Sunil over as claimed by him. This has been recorded already in this report, pages 5 & 6.


VII. We had invited a Pastor as a speaker who is an expert in his area of teaching which is in line with the Eccumenism [sic]
commission of the Archdiocese.

That does not alter the fact that he is a Protestant Methodist pastor TEACHING a subject described as “Soul Ties” to Catholics of a claimed Catholic group on the premises of a Catholic church WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE PARISH PRIEST FR. A. SAGAYANATHAN, as informed to me on November 7, 2012.

And the issue had nothing to do with ‘Eccumenism’; maybe if Dr. Dixon could spell the word correctly, we could take it from there.


VIII. Please feel free to speak to Simon Rodrigues about this matter and the integrity of our standing.

Now this is one of those rare instances when I am not being objective or relying on documentation. At the same time I am not making unsubstantiatible allegations.

Mr. Simon Rodrigues might be the leader of the Bangalore Service Team of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal [CCR] but I insist that he is more Protestant than he is Catholic. I have communicated my opinion in writing to the national leadership of the CCR and have noted it in a few of my reports, so it is not a new issue. If anyone requires me to write a separate report on that, it would be my pleasure to do so, since the Bangalore CCR has a history of nurturing closet Pentecostals. Mr. Simon Rodrigues spoke a false prophecy about my ministry in the present of a reputable Catholic witness in his Bangalore office in an effort to get me to abandon my ministry a few years ago. Interestingly, he was harbouring a Pentecostal pastor named Anthony Samuel in his residence. Anthony Samuel was present in the office of Simon Rodrigues at the same time that I had been taken along by a friend to meet him. The meeting ended with the false prophecy that caused my Catholic friend great consternation. Anthony Samuel has influenced many Catholics in Bangalore, Chennai and his home-town Secunderabad to reject Church teachings on sacraments, life [contraception], sacramentals, Marian devotion, etc. A number of these “Catholics” including Simon Rodrigues still look upon Anthony Samuel as a brother, host him at their homes and functions and defend him against criticism.

The point that must be noted is that many of these Catholics joined Samuel’s ‘church‘ when his cover was blown after this ministry exposed him!! Till that time, no one outside a closed circle knew the truth!

A number of Bangalore charismatics are “under the influence”. One cannot expect yours truly to be popular with this bunch of pseudo-Catholics, certainly not the Simon Rodrigues who Mr. Dixon appeals to!!!!!







Michael Prabhu
Arch bishop moras
pmsindia66@gmail.com ; Faustine Lobo


Dear Most Rev. Bernard Moras,

Further to my communications of yesterday and earlier, please find attached the latest updated report on Mr. Dominic Dixon so that you may know the dangerous criminal mind that we are dealing with: his claims of surveillance/phone-tapping of Fr. Faustine Lobo and others, claims of hiring of contract thugs to assault people, actual calls received from Karnataka police claiming to be armed with arrest warrants, his frequent contacting by telephone and email the workplaces and superiors of his perceived enemies, a series of anonymous telephone calls made to this ministry and several of its friends, etc.







I learn, from evidence already available with me, that he is exploring the most effective way to launch a media attack on this ministry; the claim of his report will be that the writings of this ministry are fostering communal violence between Christians and Hindus!

We are unable to share the details of our latest findings because of the fear of repercussions from Mr. Dominic Dixon on innocent people and their family members.


If anybody is to be attacked by him, it should be me alone and no one else. While I haven’t the slightest qualms about being a martyr for Jesus, I would like to assure you, and am here placing on record, that I will not capitulate on the convictions of my writings whatever the price I have to pay. My family are preparing for the worst. We have informed certain influential people in the police and in the media (crime reporters of a national daily) both in Bangalore and in Chennai in anticipation of the “communal violence” claim that Mr. Dixon is making, but have made no effort to protect ourselves or take pre-emptive action against it.


Mr. Dixon never relents once he has commenced his revengeful pursuit of someone. A few years ago, he has slandered the good name of Bro. Fritz Mascarenhas, his daughters, and that of three ICPE seminarians, two of who are now ordained priests. He accomplished that through bogus emails using temporary email ids, posts on a ”Catholic” blog, using the names of reputed or non-existent journalists to publish “investigations” which were actually his own venting against Bro. Fritz and ICPE, etc. This time, his going in the public domain could have wider and very serious ramifications for the local Church.


The sole reason for my informing you and addressing this email to you is to place the issue on record so that you cannot say that you were not warned by me well in advance.

I have copied this BCC to four priests and three ministries closely associated with the issue from the time of the commencement of our inquiry into MoreLove ministries in October 2012, and to a select number of those who are named as resource persons on the MoreLove web site.

Copies will be sent separately to the influential contacts in Bangalore and Chennai who we are keeping in the loop, to a group of Catholic lawyers, and to a few others who are as yet unaware of the crisis but need to be in the know.

In the event of Mr. Dixon’s continuing on the course on which he has embarked, which I will re-assess in a few days, I will be obliged to ensure that this letter reaches many others.


In all his communications he states that he is recognised and approved by your good self.

I am not asking you to intervene on my behalf. My request is that you rein in Mr. Dixon’s criminal pursuits because he would rather see anti-Catholic communal riots occur in Bangalore than have his “ministry” exposed for what it really is.

I would like to remind you that in the event of any unfortunate situation transpiring, the responsibility for not having restrained Mr. Dixon will rest solely with you.

Yours obediently,

Michael Prabhu

Catholic apologist michaelprabhu@vsnl.net

Cc: Fr. Faustine Lobo for information. I trust that you communicated to the Archbishop what I shared with you in my email of yesterday.


My above letter to the Archbishop of Bangalore was emailed BCC to a few priests associated in the past or presently with MoreLove and to selected priests and lay persons connected with the issue.

Michael Prabhu
Michael Prabhu
Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 11:03 AM


Michael Prabhu
Arch bishop moras
pmsindia66@gmail.com ; Faustine Lobo

Sent: Saturday, March 16, 2013 10:55 AM

[As above]


Name Withheld
Michael Prabhu

Thanks for sharing the letter to the Archbishop… It is little difficult to digest the incident. I believe this guy will not be able to do anything, other than threatening
and rumoring. Bangalore





Ancy D’Souza is the owner-moderator while Derrick D’Costa was the then co-moderator.

Here is the post from me, in response to a comment from Fr. Joseph Vas SVD, which “offended” Mr. Dominic Dixon and prompted his threatening Mangalorean Catholics that he would take the matter to the secular media and also respond with legal action against them:

Dear Father Joseph,

Your letter seems to verify the article that I posted.

Thousands of Mangaloreans, Goans, East Indians, Malayalis and Anglo-Indians have migrated to or studied in Australia and faced no problem. If one will note, all attacks have been carried out on North Indians.

By nature [from my experience of having worked and travelled across the whole of North India] they tend as a majority to be arrogant, brash, flashy, loud- and even foul-mouthed in public. They do not blend into the society around them.

On TV, I noticed that not even one of them could speak even a single sentence in clear English.

But it still beats me as to why Muslims, Lebanese or otherwise, should attack Indians in Australia.

Love, Michael


From: “Dr. Dominic Dixon” domdix@yahoo.com
dom@morelove.in, Dom

Date: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:21 am Subject:
Warning to Mangalorean Catholics’ Forum     

This is a response to Michael Prabhu’s mail about the India [sic] students being beaten up in Australia.

Mr. Micaheal [sic] Prabhu,

It is disturbing to see you bullying so many people on this forum like you do with your emails and
with your site. Let me deal with this subject in context.

You are more than just ignorant about the Australian issues by saying “If one will note, all attacks have been carried out on North Indians.” This is an exclusive and an absolute statement when you use the words “ALL ATTACKS”. For the benefit of those who don’t know me, I’m the Executive Director of an international youth and social justice organisation and our team have just come back to India from Australia and we have evidence that not only were South Indians and other Indians from all over India were attacked, but also Sri Lankans because the Australians could not distinguish them from Indians. Just yesterday, students from Kerala were beaten up, what do you say about that?

You have described “North Indians” as “arrogant, brash, flashy, loud- and even foul-mouthed in public. They do not blend into the society around them.” That is discriminatory and is an insensitive statement. Before you call them “foul mouth” look at what you do in your ministry. Your statement brings to mind an Anglo Indian statement “Kettle calling the chatty black” Theses [sic] North Indians have their democratic rights and freedom of expressions, don’t deprive them of it.

Furthermore, you made this statement “On TV, I noticed that not even one of them could speak even a single sentence in clear English. ” You obviously are quite subjective in your facts and not just in this issue, but with many more on your site. There were at least three of the Indian students who even spoke with an Australian accent. You obovioulsy [sic] know very little about studying abroad. I studied in the West and know the issues faced there by Indians.

I demand an apology form the moderator of this group or I will take this to the secular media as I’m the Editor-in-Chief of a Radio and TV network. We just cannot encourage blood being shed by such people as these.

I will also file a case against this forum as a “hate group”. I demand a set of rules from this forum.

I am expecting a reply from the moderator.


Dr. Dominic Dixon (Criminal Psychologist)

Executive Director – MoreLove, Dept, Social Justice

Editor-in-Chief – MoreLove Radio

Editor-in-Chief – Veritas TV

98805-36501./ dom@morelove.in

PA: Denzil Gomes – denzil@morelove.in 080-2571-0152 Bangalore [All emphases in bold black are Mr. Dixon's]

Mr. Dixon describes himself as a “criminal psychologist”. Well, he certainly fits his description of himself.


Date: Monday, June 15, 2009, 11:57 AM

Subject: i saw your letter to the moderator

Dear Mr. Dominic Dixon,

I have taken note of the letter written to the moderator of the Mangalorean Catholics.

I know how some times we may make mistakes in assessing the situation that is volatile.

The case of Indian Students being targeted in Australia is surely a serious matter we all are concerned. But as you say since you have been a witness to the situation your view may be an authentic one.

Someone from Australia wrote to me a letter when I had expressed my concern, where she told me that the situation was compounded by the fact that the attacks were by many other ethnic groups which have migrated to Australia they targeted the Indian students and thus the situation looks to be serious. We feel sad about the whole situation.

If some of our members have used one section of people being the cause of the issue we are sorry.

Let us be more sensitive to the whole issue. I am praying. In union with the divine word,

Fr. Juze Vaz svd




Dear Fr. Juze,  

Thank you for writing and addressing your views and concerns.

Michal Prabhu has been a foul mouth and has defamed several servants of God.

This forum has been used as a gossip forum.

I need to know if you are the moderator.

Regards, Dom.


Cc: Ancy D’Souza

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 8:37 PM Subject: second letter to Dixon

Dear Dr. Dominic Dixon,

I have communicated with you earlier on other issue.

I am not the moderator of the group. But I interact with many people in becoming more sensitive to issues that concern each one of us.

Usually any site is a forum where individuals function independently though moderators try to keep controversial issues away from being personal.

The issue of the attacks on our students in Australia was such an issue.

Anyway I have expressed my view on this issue. I know it is very sensitive, as you say you were there and have personally seen the situation and have evaluated it objectively. I am glad there are views expressed sincerely.

Let us keep personal feelings away.

I know in taking the names of people on the site some times we can easily fall into the same trap as subjective as you have rightly expressed it is always better to be objective

Can I request you let us close this matter and be more objective in the future postings?

In the hope of reaching a consensus

In the divine word, Fr. Juze Vaz svd


From: Ancy D’Souza ancyds@gmail.com
To: Derrick D’Costa

Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 10:11 AM Subject: Re: For your urgent attention

Dear Derrick,
There is nothing to worry about this message. We have done nothing wrong. Freedom of speech is the motto of our group and also it is the constitutional right of any Indian citizen. Anyone can express his personal feelings even if they may not be true.
There is no hate content in the message of Michael Prabhu or no personal attack on anyone by Michael Prabhu. But the message by Dominic Dixon contains hate content and personal attack.
Remember that we need not reply to such emails.
Also let me know whether I remove hate content and publish it or should I just delete the message.
I have received several such messages in the past and this person can not do anything to us or to our group.
With regards, Ancy
Ancy S. D’Souza, Paladka, E2-139 Diwan Apt III, Vasai Road East, Thane Dist – 401 210, Tel: 0250-2390225, Cell: 9320733213

Having decided to ignore Mr. Dominic Dixon’s threatening letter to Mangalorean Catholics, Mr. Ancy D’Souza forwarded Mr. Dominic Dixon’s letter to me, as well as to the other moderator, Mr. Derrick D’Costa, and Fr. Joseph Vas:

Ancy D’Souza
prabhu ; FrJuze Vas Indore
Derrick D’Costa
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 12:35 PM

Subject: Fwd: For your urgent attention

From: “Dr. Dominic Dixon” domdix@yahoo.com
dom@morelove.in, Dom

Date: Mon Jun 15, 2009 11:21 am Subject:
Warning to Mangalorean Catholics’ Forum     

This is a response to Michael Prabhu’s mail about the India [sic] students being beaten up in Australia.

Mr. Micaheal [sic] Prabhu [As above]


This was my response to Mr. Ancy D’Souza, Mr. Derrick D’Costa and Fr. Joseph Vas:

ancyds@gmail.com; derrickdcosta@yahoo.com; josephvas7@gmail.com;
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 7:32 AM Subject: DOMINIC DIXON AND HIS THREAT

Dear Fr. Juze, I thank you for the letter that you wrote to Mr. Dixon.

Dear Derrick, I thank you for your solidarity, too.

Dear Ancy, I thank you for sending me a copy of Mr. Dixon’s letter, and for not posting it in MC.

First of all, I do not see what is wrong in what I wrote in my response to Fr. Juze. I clearly said that it was my personal experience. And also what I saw and heard on TV. I was not attacking any minority group, either.

Last night, on Times Now, they gave the details of the 14th victim, another North Indian, Sunny Bajaj. Again, the two sentences of English were atrocious. What I was saying is that North Indians do not integrate themselves into Western society, first by learning to speak presentable English as early as possible. Of all the 14 attack victims named yesterday on TN, none was a South Indian. [So Dixon lies, as is his habit, that they were students from Kerala, see page 23]

I cannot imagine, for the life of me, what upset Dixon so badly that he wrote that letter! 24.



Unless it was my words to Hrishikesh Shenoy [a Hindu member of Mangalorean Catholics -Michael] about sticking to his doctorate and not theologizing on Catholic issues. I can only wonder if Dixon took that personally.

Dixon is a very, very, very dangerous man. I know him personally and have always steered very clear of him. He has a habit of attacking high profile Catholics in ministry to draw attention to himself. He slandered the personal reputation of Bro. Fritz Mascarenhas and his eldest daughter Divya and was finally forced by popular anger to issue a public apology. I know Fritz well but I had never seen him weep till Dixon spoilt the name of his family.

The people who called him to the Gulf had a very serious problem with him and then he slandered them. He uses his fora to institute personal attacks on people he considers as enemies.

In Bangalore it is well-known that Dixon is psychologically imbalanced. If you look at his letter, he will always be promoting himself, and the word “international” will always be used more than once.

When Dixon published his two books, he posted me the autographed copies even though I did not request for them.

One of his books received a terrible review in The New Leader. The reviewing priest said it was unadulterated rubbish.

Till a few days ago, I have received his latest postings. Frankly, I am very afraid to even ask him to unsubscribe me from his postings, much of which I think is self-glorification, because he will then consider me as an enemy.

You must also know that on two or three occasions he has included me as part of his ministries, but I have always written immediately on coming to know of it and asked him to remove my name from there.

A few times he has asked me if he could promote my campaigns, like against the NCB, and I have firmly said ‘No thanks’.

Dixon has made a number of overtures to my ministry but I have always politely declined. He is such a man that it is even dangerous to say no to him. I was always wondering when he would turn his guns on me, but this has surprised me because, while reading his letter, I still cannot figure out what it is that I have done that has incensed him so much! Especially when he has been trying all along, both with and without my permission to associate with my ministry.

How did I become so bad all of a sudden? I wonder if anyone has a hand in this and has instigated Dixon by saying something.

There is no indication of any problem till our last correspondence [SEE FURTHER BELOW]*

Lastly, about his comments on my website and ministry.

bullying so many people on this forum like you do with …your site

look at what you do in your ministry

You obviously are quite subjective in your facts and not just in this issue, but with many more on your site

It is true that I do write strongly, but against public religious error and always faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium. Over all these years and the scores of reports and thousands upon thousands of pages sent by email and print to every Indian Bishop and Bishops Commission and even to the Vatican, NOT ONE SINGLE LINE OF ANY OF MY REPORTS HAS BEEN FAULTED BY ANY AUTHORITY IN THE CHURCH. This week 9 new articles are being uploaded on my website and 5 more hard-hitting ones later this month. Many bishops and powerful erring priests are NAMED. I do not expect even one single refutal or criticism from the Bishops as a whole or individually.

I have no unresolved controversy with Mr. Dixon. In fact, as you can read from his correspondence below, he has always pursued me. You can read also how he tried to misuse my name to get mileage with the Bishops, and he finally apologized. [I have not hidden any controversial correspondence from you, here, but this is only SOME of a large bunch that I could have copied for you*.] Love, Michael


*The correspondence between Mr. Dominic Dixon and me which I reproduced in my above letter to Mr. Ancy D’Souza, Mr. Derrick D’Costa and Fr. Joseph Vas:

1. The attack on ICPE and its director, Fritz Mascarenhas:

Dominic Dixon
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 9:53 AM


Dear Mike,

Thanks for addressing the issue about Johnson Sequeira. However, I am very disappointed that you did not mention ICPE even after I have given you my investigation. It is because as you had said before that “ICPE is powerful in Bangalore” that you’re not coming our publicly about them? Love –Dom

Here, Mr. Dixon admits that the slander attack on ICPE/Fritz Mascarenhas was orchestrated by him. -Michael


Dominic Dixon
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 8:18 AM


Dear Dom,

I do not recall writing to you at any time that “ICPE is powerful in Bangalore”. The only possibility is that I might have said, to caution you in your campaign against ICPE, that ICPE have popular support in Bangalore, so you better be careful what you do or write… but I did not say that in the context of my ministry.

As far as this ministry is concerned, surely you must be aware by now that I do not hesitate to write about any person or organization [Catholic] – whoever they may be – if they go against Catholic teaching, but one thing that I avoid is to name names – unless for exceptional reason as in the case of Simon Rodrigues [in the Anthony Samuel report]. As a matter of fact I have written to ICPE and to Fr. Jose Vettiyankal directly in my original alert, but have not so far received a response. [Fr. Jose is a supporter of my ministry].  25.



I did that in the case of the Bangalore Service Team etc. in the matter of the Anthony Samuel alert too, and only when no response came I included the whole story in my final report.

My best enquiries reveal that Johnson did not give a program to the actual ICPE. The youth group which he ministered to had already earlier changed their name from ICPE YOUTH, which you also informed me is now Yeshua Adonai. This is precisely to disassociate from the ICPE name. That being the case, how could you expect me to NAME the ICPE?

Moreover, no one gave me the dates and places of Bro. Johnson’s Bangalore programmes with ICPE. Love, Michael


Dominic Dixon
Michael Prabhu
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 11:18 PM Subject: Johnson

Hi Mike,

I know that you’re a man who does not compromise and that why i feel so closely knitted with you in Spirit. 

I believe that Fr. Jose is also supporting Johnson. Fritz is the Shepherd and ICPE is shepherding the Yeshua Adonai youth group and therefore there is a link. Today Fritz tried calling me several times from different numbers but I ignored him. 

I go live on the Internet Radio everday at 12 noon (12:00 to 12:30) go to http://www.morelove.in/ and click on the Radio Icon on the left. love n blessings. Dom


2. The attack on ICPE and its director, Fritz Mascarenhas, continued:

Dominic Dixon
Michael Prabhu
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 4:34 PM Subject: Frtiz

Dear Brother Cyril, 

Bro. Fritz had attempted to contact me several times via my cell. Since I’ve been incessantly occupied with our International Radio, I could not answer his calls as I could not answer several other calls too. So Fritz had contacted Sunil Jose, Program Director of MORELOVE.IN and conveyed a message that I had sent you a mail regarding his Ministry and his tone suggested that there is an issue of seriousness and he SURPRISINGLY wanted to meet me and clarify things…. this is a miracle as Fritz had failed miserably in the past in resolving issues which led to an international controversy in the past few months. 

Issues with his Ministry keep prevailing while certain brutes in his fold cause verbal vandalism within the Body of Christ. Some are Schizophrenics in their values. 

My point is, if you perhaps need clarification on my previous mail about Johnson Sequeira which was copied to you, please do so. Let’s be candid. Dom


Dominic Dixon
cyriljohn@vsnl.net ; Archdiocese of Bangalore ; bgarchdi ; valdsouz@vsnl.com ; punedioc@vsnl.com ; nco
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 11:09 PM Subject: Re: Frtiz

Dear Dom,

I was really quite taken aback to open my mail and read this letter from you this morning. After that I had gone out, and I found time to reply to all my mails only just now.

I am surprised because you have marked a copy to me of your letter to Mr. Cyril John regarding Fritz.

I cannot see how the contents of your letter are concerned with my ministry which is to create awareness against error in respect of Catholic faith, Christian orthodoxy and orthopraxis, etc.

There are some disputes and differences among some leaders in the Renewal, but these will always be there because of the human element, and they are best settled by personal meetings, mediation, and of course, prayer.

This ministry has always been impartial in publishing its reports and alerts, and they have never been personal in the sense of moral failings and the like. I am aware of my own many weaknesses here, and am not the one to judge another.

Except in one recent case where I was constrained to use a name, it was because the leaders concerned had declined to have any correspondence with me despite several years of my writing to them [which had followed unproductive personal meetings with most of them]. In all other cases, I have always endeavoured to meet the persons concerned [wherever error is perceived by me] if they were accessible, or write to them asking for their explanation against my perceptions or documentations, and I have published my alerts or reports only if my perceptions are validated and only after they continued to adhere to wrong [from the Catholic perspective] philosophies or practices.

Even if there is validity in your statements, I cannot either approve of the language that you choose to use, or be part of it.

On May 27th, I had already written to you, copy to others who were included by you in your email, QUOTE:

So, let me apologize on behalf of Dom for the language and words chosen by him to write to Fr. Adolf [Washington].

We may not agree with one another on everything, but we are primarily Christians, followers of Jesus, called to serve and to witness. Hostility and confrontation are regressive and counter-productive.

We may want to express our views strongly and firmly, but please let us do so in a spirit of love.

There is so much of attack on our Faith and on the Church. United we stand, divided we fall. It is not from Scripture, but very true.

Dom, May I humbly request you to go over, meet Fr. Adolf, reconcile with him, and let us move together forward unitedly from there.UNQUOTE. I feel the same way now.



By writing to Mr. Cyril John under copy to me, you continue to involve me in an issue that has never concerned me or my ministry.

I am as much a friend of Fritz’s as I am of you, and if Fritz or anyone else were to write to you in this fashion [under copy to me], I would be equally perturbed, and would have responded in exactly the same way.

You are aware that whenever you have publicly taken up issues that you have defended from a Catholic or Christian perspective, I have given you every co-operation through my letters, even against a lot of advice not to associate with you.

[Let me clarify here that not a single person from Fritz's community has ever asked me to disassociate with you. Not even Fritz.]

I make my own decisions, and cannot be pressurised or influenced by anyone.

The reason why I used the phrase “you continue to involve me” [above] is this:

When you rang me up sometime last month to inform me about your being interviewed on TV, you shared with me that Bro. Fritz had rung you up several times but you had not responded; and you will recall that I had told you that you were not right to do so.

Recently I have been provided with your letter of June 22, emailed to the Archbishop of Bangalore, the Bishop of Pune, and to Mr. Cyril John.

There appears to be no Cc marked to anyone, and certainly no Bcc to me, because I did not receive from you the copy of the letter. Amazingly, the letter starts,Dear Mike“.

Now, if I were in the Bcc, the letter surely would not have been addressed to “Dear Mike”.

And since it is addressed to “Dear Mike”, why was the letter sent to two Bishops and the Chairman of the NCCRS instead of to me? I can only presume that you are aware of how the letter was presented.

You have noted that I attend to mail within 24 hours unless my computer breaks down or I am out of Chennai on mission. If you had written to me and I did not respond for two or three days, you would immediately ask me why I had not responded as you have done on a couple of occasions.

Hence I must assume that you had NOT marked a copy of the June 22 letter to me, though it bears my name.

A copy of the referred letter of yours dated June 22 was reached to me because it bears my name.

On reading it, I asked Fritz if indeed [as informed by you to me] he had rung you up several times and you had not responded to him. He confirmed to me that it was so.

But then he told me that the reason he had called you up so many times was because he had just received a copy of your letter of June 22 which Mr. Cyril John had forwarded to him [Fritz] through a third person, after a delay of four days during which time he had tried unsuccessfully to reach it directly to Fritz’s email id.

Now I wondered why, when you told me about Fritz’s many calls to you and your non-response, you withheld from me the information about the June 22 letter to Cyril from you – that bore my name?

I was in Bangalore for several days recently and I was quite perturbed over what I heard everywhere I went.

Dear Dom, I am not looking for a response from you that will prolong the matter. I am sure that you have as much to do as I, and may I suggest that if we all really must do something, let it be done objectively. A letter like the one that you sent to Mr. Cyril John about Fritz Mascarenhas certainly does not help.

Assuring you of my moral support as usual on any of the Christian issues that you usually take up, Love, Michael


Dominic Dixon
cyriljohn@vsnl.net ; Archdiocese of Bangalore ; bgarchdi ; valdsouz@vsnl.com ; punedioc@vsnl.com ; nco
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 12:29 AM Subject: Re: Frtiz

Dear Mike,

Thanks for the email. In this email that has been copied to people, it’s not right for you to mention past issues though they were genuine and were eventually sorted out. To me it’s a cheap thing to do. Therefore my tone in this mail may surprise you. Now to address the points that you have mentioned. 

When I had called you about a TV interview (NDTV), it was at least a month (May end) before Fritz had called me. At that time, there was no issue about Fritz that I had spoken to you in regards to him calling me. Fritz had been calling me in past two weeks only and I did not take up his calls for several reasons. He had called me because I had sent an email about him entertaining Johnson. I’m not sitting and doing nothing here. I’m in the recording studio for about 10 hours a day. You HAVE NOT told me that I was wrong in ignoring the calls of Fritz. Can you prove that? The last time I had called you was when I was on my way for the interview and it was very brief since I had to inform my other friends including my Bishop. The issue with Frtiz and Johnson is not even a month. So please get your facts straight before trying to look like a Saint. 

You and I had issues about Fritz, as you had mentioned to me that “Fritz is a man of compromise and his daughter is a scandal” you also mentioned to me that “Matthew Mohan of ICPE is a schizophrenic” I did not mention you in quote as you have done in the email about past issues with regards to Fritz and Fr. Washington. I had gone to Fritz’s place and sorted out the issues that I had with him. I had also gone to Fr. Washington’s office last month and met with him. So why do you bring it up when there’s no context and CC it to people who are not involved with the past issues? What point are you trying to prove? 

Fr. Washington’s happy with the work that I’m doing and he also gave me some advise [sic]. In humility I sorted out our issues. As you mentioned in this mail “the human element” in regards to our weaknesses. My Bishop is also happy with the work that I’ve been doing. I’ve represented the views of the Church in India and other countries.


I will not hesitate to pull up anyone in the Church who operate in folly whether Ministry or Minister. I do this in the midst of my great weaknesses. That’s a part of my Call. 

In regards to the June 22nd mail, I just searched my “Sent Items” It was a silly mistake, In the process of adding mail id’s, I forgot to add yours. Here is the mail. [The email in question may be read immediately following]

I did not withhold this information from you as you have mentioned in your email. I’m neither scared nor guilty to stand up for what I speak. If I’m right, you cannot shake me, if I’m wrong, I will go down on my knees and ask pardon and make amends. Dom

Dominic Dixon
Bishop ; bgarchdi ; punedioc@vsnl.com ; valdsouz@vsnl.com ; cyriljohn@vsnl.net ; nco@vsnl.net

Sent: Friday, June 22, 2007 2:39 PM Subject: Johnson Sequeira

Dear Mike, 

Pastor Johnson Sequeira from Mumbai has done a retreat for ICPE’s youth group ‘Yeshua Adonai’. 

Pastor Johnson has major issues in Mumbai and Goa. I personally had to rebuke him in the context of adultery as others have also done. He has also broken bread several times with Catholics in Mumbai. 

Fritz of ICPE has invited Protestant Pastors to his premises to conduct session for his disciples. He has invited Pastor Aldrin Bogi from YWAM and Pastor Rudi Lack from the USA for sessions in the recent past. 

Some of his members (Ester and husband with team) have even done Ministry at FGAG (Full Gospel Assembly of God Church) in Indira Nagar. Pastor Paul Thangiah is the senior Pastor there. 

The Bangalore Bishop seems to have a very good impression of ICPE but he needs to be informed of ICPE’s pretence and hypocrisy. While ICPE condemns and contradicts other Catholic missions, they are a ruination of many Catholics. I speak this through my bitter experience and others’ too. 

Since studying issues concerning the Catholic Church for its welfare, is part of you CALL, I request you kindly look into this issue as there is a roaring concern here in Bangalore. Leslie Quadros whose [sic] a disciple of Pastor Johnson told me that the Priests of LOGOS in Bangalore said that Pastor Johnson is operating in a counterfeit spirit. 

I’m sure that Bro. Cyril John is well aware of Pastor Johnson. END OF COPIED LETTER

Several people have even advised me not to associate with you but I chose not to listen to them. You may have heard things and you were perturbed? Well, it seems that you have already made a judgement about me, so where’s your objectiveness?

As you address issues based on Ministry names, I go a step further and mention the names of the individuals.

I speak in a tone that may not be accepted by some people. I’m sure even you have made statements in a strong manner. There are times that I use strong words. If you read the Old Testament properly you will notice that God and His Prophets used strong words. If you read the New Testament properly, John the Baptist, the Apostles and Jesus used strong words. Why persecute me when I get my message across in a Biblical manner?

Please understand that I have absolutely no time to waste and to indulge in issues that have no ground or foundation. I run an international Ministry, a Socio-religious portal, a 24hrs Christian Internet Radio, editing my second book and writing my third. All this among the other things that I do.

If you wish to keep in touch with me, it’s upto [sic]


cyriljohn@vsnl.net ; nco
Archdiocese of Bangalore ; bgarchdi ; valdsouz@vsnl.com ; punedioc@vsnl.com
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 7:59 PM Subject: DOMINIC DIXON, BANGALORE

Dear Bro. Cyril John, and dear Bishops,

I trust that you must have read Mr. Dominic Dixon’s response to my letter.

My letter to him was marked B. C. copy to Bro. Fritz Mascarenhas whom Dominic had threatened.

I wrote it in the light of my recent meeting with Fritz at his home in Bangalore.

I myself did the first ICPE School and was the first member of Fritz’s community, ICPE.

Dominic had also issued threats against Mr. Anthony Sagayaraj, acting Chairman of the Bangalore Service Team, CCR.

I had been warned by many people that if I tried to correct Dominic, he would turn on me too. Expectedly he has done just that. This is to inform you all that I am not responding to Dominic and not taking this matter any further.

Yours sincerely, Michael


Michael Prabhu
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 3:08 PM Subject: DOMINIC DIXON / MORELOVE

Dear friends,

I met Dominic Dixon just once when I was introduced to him at Kairos in Chennai over three years ago.

Since he contacted me after that, whenever he has publicly taken up certain issues and presented a Christian or Catholic perspective, I have given him my moral support as I would do with anybody else.

Recently it was brought to my attention that, without my knowledge, he was [mis]using my name in some correspondence with the Bishops regarding other ministries.

This note is to keep you informed that due to the above reason and also his persistently harassing certain ministries and Renewal leaders in Bangalore, I am obliged to have to take the painful decision not to respond to his letters in the future and to avoid any association with him or his ministries.

Love and Prayers, Michael. 28.



Dominic Dixon
cyriljohn@vsnl.net ; Archdiocese of Bangalore ; bgarchdi ; valdsouz@vsnl.com ; punedioc@vsnl.com ; nco
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 2:25 PM Subject: Grace

Dear Mike and those mentioned in the CC 

I have been praying about our last email correspondence. 

What has happened has been displeasing to God and I need to ask forgiveness for my contribution of the unpleasantness. As I kneel in prayer and go for confession, I’m convicted that I’m not in the right standing with you and with God. It was perhaps pride or plain negative fruit that has caused my reaction. 

Therefore dearly beloveds, I’m seeking your grace of forgiveness. I’m 31 years old and have been in Ministry for just three years. My past as a gangster and rebel still has traits deep within me which Jesus is still healing and working on. In the meantime, I ask for you grace to bare [sic]
with me and to encourage me in the Lord. 

In such a short time, Jesus has given me an International Ministry and an International Internet Radio, authored a book on Deliverance, etc. All this perhaps got to my head. 

If you have forgiven me, kindly acknowledge it by responding to this email. Please pray for me and impart your blessings.

Love –dom

However, he cannot refrain from vainful boasting about his “International Ministry and an International Internet Radio“, etc., etc. This can be seen repeated in the great majority of his communications with others.


3. A year later, Mr. Dixon makes an overture which I reject:

Dr. Dominic Dixon
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 12:47 PM


Dear Mike,  

In continuation with your efforts, we could make an announcement on our Radio (http://www.moreloveradio.com/) about the New Age Bible. We beam into 40 Nations with over a million collective listners [sic]. If you would like us to do that, please send us a two para write that could be spoken over our Radio. We can do this for one week. In His Service dom.


Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 4:57 PM


Dear Dom,

Many thanks for your gracious offer. I declined similar suggestions from The Federation of Catholic Faithful and The Catholic Times, Chennai. What I suggested and they did was to download and use my article from the net as per details given in my covering letter and inside the article. Love, Mike


Dr. Dominic Dixon
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 11:38 PM


Ok, Mike,

I think your suggestion sounds better. But since I have not read the NAB, as I just don’t have the time, it may be a little difficult. However, I will review your article and see what can be done. Will keep you posted. Love, dom


4. Here, he tried to get me to comment on Johnson Sequeira whose ministry, I have shown, is not Catholic:

Dr. Dominic Dixon
Michael Prabhu
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 11:24 AM

Subject: Fw: Making Holy Garments from Flawed Material

Hi Mike, This mail was forwarded to me by my Kuwait ministry about Johnson’s programs. There’s an attachment. Love, dom. 


5. Another overture from Mr. Dixon. He sends me his third book; I find problems with it:

Dr. Dominic Dixon
Michael Prabhu
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 3:06 PM Subject: Book

Hi Mike, Please send me your mailing address. I would like to send you a copy of my third book. Love, dom


Dominic Dixon
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 6:44 AM Subject: OBAMA {PJM}

[...] I received your book “Living for the Audience of One”, yesterday. Many thanks. The cover graphics, paper, etc are of very high quality. I went through a few chapters. I am sure that people will find the book useful.

I note that there is no record of the publisher. Also there are many quotes from Protestant sources compared to CCC, the Early Church Fathers and the Lives of Saints. There are punctuation and grammatical errors, etc. I suggest that you get someone who is thorough in English to do your editing. Love, Mike


Dr. Dominic Dixon
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 10:01 AM Subject: Re: OBAMA

Hi Mike, As usual, thank for the valuable feedaback [sic]. At MoreLove, we’re floated a publishing unit.  29.



It went through an editor and a proof reader, but I guess it needs to be improved. 

I quoted different people because the book is for every Christian. This pleased some of our Bishops considering that it’s coming for a Catholic that seeks unity within the Body. Love, dom


6. Yet another overture from Mr. Dixon:

Dr. Dominic Dixon
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 10:40 PM

Subject: Re: XXI CCBI Plenary Assembly at Mysore – Feb 12-18, 2009 / THE ST. PAULS’ NEW COMMUNITY BIBLE

Hi Mike, Do keep up the tireless and thankless task that Christ has entrusted unto you. You sure are in my prayers. In the last three months I’ve been on constant travel to several countries on missions and could not communicate with you promptly.

Whatever you have in audio could be broadcasted with promos done from our side. The Lord has made our Radio as one of the leading Christian online radio’s [sic]. Much love and appreciation, -dom.

Dominic Dixon
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 12:22 PM

Subject: Re: XXI CCBI Plenary Assembly etc.,

My dear Dom, Your blessing and prompt response is enough. I don’t do audio, Dom. God bless your ministry too. Love, Mike


7. From:
Dr. Dominic Dixon
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:25 AM


Rest assured of my prayers, dear Brother. Love, dom

The end of the correspondence between Mr. Dominic Dixon and me which I had reproduced in my letter of June 16, 2009 to Mr. Ancy D’Souza, Mr. Derrick D’Costa and Fr. Joseph Vas


UPDATE: More incoming letters:

Derrick D’Costa
Michael Prabhu
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 3:55 PM


I was not surprised that you are threatened once again, though I do doubt that there is much for him to gain at this stage. I once sent you a letter from Fr Juze trying to pacify him.  I did not get very involved as Ancy D’Souza was more experienced in dealing with his threats. Besides I am not very connected with Indian ministries.

Something is wrong with the way he is acting, I am not sure we know enough to determine what are his motives, whether it is a problem with his ministry, psychological issues or even a case of lead poisoning.

Unfortunately, and I am truly sorry to say this, you need to be a bit careful and deal with this seriously.



Fr Dominic Emmanuel
Michael Prabhu

Dear Mr. Prabhu,

I have been extremely busy so have not had time to look into what you have written and to follow the story through. I maybe able to pursue it after Easter. Thanks all the same for your mails. With regards and prayers, Fr. Dominic

Dominic Emmanuel SVD, Director and Spokesperson, Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, Communication/Information Bureau, 9-10 Bhai Veer Singh Marg, New Delhi 110 001 +91 11 23363214; 23369582 cibdelhi@gmail.com



As I had forecast, Mr. Dixon quickly made some modifications to one of his web sites on finding my report:


Due to their hectic clergy responsibilities, Fr. Faustine Lobo and Fr. Arul Raj could not be a part of our team as initially requested and desired.*

Rev. Fr. Franklin D’Souza – National Director – ICYM
Rev. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel – Director – Delhi Catholic Archdiocese Communication Bureau
Alex Anthony- Mentor, Jesus Youth India

We may recall that Fr. Faustine Lobo and Fr. Arul Raj disassociated with MoreLove after reading this report.

UNQUOTE [*Their names as "Moral Advisors" were removed by Mr. Dixon and two new ones were added on]

Today, March 18, we find the names of THREE of the four original “Moral Advisors” missing. Fr. Franklin Lobo is added to the list of those who “could not be a part of our team as initially requested and desired“. MoreLove has the highest attrition rate of any “ministry I’ve encountered!!! Things get curiouser and curiouser!! It is most remarkable that these priests’ names surfaced on the MoreLove faculty only on the basis of nothing more than a “request” and “desire” from Mr. Dixon to have them on board.

It is highly regrettable that the name of preacher Colin Calmiano, Director, Spread Your Wings, Bangalore, still appears on the page even after my letters to him of December 15 and 19, 2012, see page 10.

At the bottom of all ëthos pages, HolySpiritInteractive [HSI] is described as a lay “Apostalate”. 30.


Mr. Dixon’s weekly meetings, at St. Patrick’s Church, 4:00 pm Sundays, are part of the “HSI International Communities” network. HolySpiritInteractive [HSI] is the ministry of Dubai-based Aneel Aranha, now banned in the Archdiocese of Bombay; see pages 2 and 3.


The revised ëthos team is given at http://ethosinstitute.org/team.html as:

Executive Team
Aneel Aranha – Chairman
Dr. Dominic Dixon – Executive Director/ Provost

Clergy Participation Team
Rev. Fr. Roys – Rector – Infant Jesus Church
Rev. Fr. Pascal Ravi – Rector -St. Anthony’s Friary
Rev. Sis. Marjore – Administrator – Mount Carmel College
Rev. Fr. Cyril Victor- Pastoral Communications – Rome

Simon Rodrigues – Chairman, Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service
Alex Anthony- Mentor, Jesus Youth India

Dr. Fr. Edayadiyil George, M.Sc., M.A. (M.G.), L. Th., Th. D. (Angelicum, Rome) (World Religion)
Dr. Fr. Kochuthara Shaji George CMI, L. Th., Th. D. (Alphonsianum, Rome) (Moral Theology)
Tom Cummings, M. Div (Director, STEP, Notre Dame University)

Rev. Fr. Dominic Emmanuel – Director – Delhi Catholic Archdiocese Communication Bureau


There are some minor modifications in the wording on the http://ethosinstitute.org/campus.html page. For example, “The campus has a parking capacity for over 100 cars“, see page 11 of this report, now reads “The campus has adequate parking“.

The http://ethosinstitute.org/aboutus.html says, “ETHOS Institute aims at complimenting [sic] the Church“. What compliments does the Church need from a private lay institute?

The “Vatican” word is nowhere to be found in the web pages of the ëthos Institute.

On pages 2 through 7 of this report, we have cited references from three links: http://veritastv.net/TOB-MAILER.jpg,
http://veritastv.net/powerofwords.html, and
The references concerned the
claims of
HSI/MoreLove/Dixon to be ‘Vatican-approved’, ‘official ambassador of the Vatican’, etc. They remain as earlier.


The HSI MoreLove Radio page
offers evangelical Protestant programmes such as those of Nancy Leigh DeMoss, Billy and Franklin Graham, Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine of Campus Crusade for Christ and Dr. Ravi Zacharias, and one which is Catholic, that of Boni and Yvette Dias of Goa. Are HSI MoreLove ministries engaged in the Catholic Church’s New Evangelization or in a “new” evangelization?

Mr. Dixon describes “Catholic” lay minister Johnson Sequeira as a pastor, see page 28, but isn’t he one too?




EXPOSURE: Freedom from Fascism and Fritzism!

I. http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/MangaloreanCatholics/message/5575 February 19, 2007

Posted By: domdix
Mon Feb 19, 2007 1:52 pm

I received this mail. It all seems to be accurate as per the investigation and its [sic] the right of every Catholic to know whats [sic] happening in the Catholic Church.
EXPOSURE: Freedom from Fascism and Fritzism! SPECIAL REPORT
This is a report from religious investigating officers and journalists. More of this will be produced on the internet and in
the secular press.
2 Corinthians 3:17 – Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
The Church has been liberated from the bondages of sin and satan and God has called His people to live free from captivity. The Church has a history of being tormented and scandalised by members of its body. The Church has suffered great distress in recent times due to scandals and malicious acts of ministers of the Gospel.
Bangalore is seeing great revivals of the Holy Spirit. More and more young people are being touched and anointed and are called to serve the Lord.
1 Peter 2:16 – Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God.
This is the time we need to encourage one and other [sic] to freedom in Christ and not dominate one another in Fascism or Fritzism. To be a fascist is to take undue authority like Adolf Hitler of Nazism. To be a Fritzist is to pull down people servants of God and organisations in [sic] the pretext of spirituality.


I really thank God for the organisations that are in Bangalore reaching out to people. On Valentines Day, a group of young
Christians gathered on Brigade road and proclaimed the true love of Jesus Christ with candles in their hands, plaque cards and tracts. It is amazing and we need more people like this. As a matter of fact we do have young evangelistic people ready to [sic] this but are suppressed by religious fascist organisations such as ICPE in Bangalore. These young people were opposed and their leader was almost beaten up but they responded with ‘God loves you’ and ‘God bless you’
2 Peter 2:19 – They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption; for whatever overcomes a man, to that he is enslaved.
There is a danger of some corrupt evangelical missions’ organisations becoming cult groups with the way they gather as a community in the name of communal living in the Church. Some of them have free sex in their youth groups and match making within the community. The concept of greeting each other with a brotherly kiss has reached the bed rooms for some at a youth group that meets on Saturdays in central Bangalore. Parents beware.
Galatians 5:13 – For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh….
We need to be aware of such movements that creep into the Church as it has within other groups such as ‘the Family’ or ‘children of god’. There are evangelists that just don’t have control on their own kids and are busy preaching to other youth. One of Bangalore’s most prominent youth leaders made this statement ‘let that preacher who preaches Gods’ will, first go and preach it to his scandalous daughter’ this surprised a lot of people. One would really think that if these senior evangelists were proper shepherds instead of victimisers, many young evangelists would not have made the mistakes
that caused themselves and others pain. Many of us would have walked steadily with the Lord. Surely many don’t stand alone with this view.
Galatians 2:4 – But because of false brethren secretly brought in, who slipped in to spy out our freedom which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage.
Don’t let such people or organisations pull you down, but instead be vigilant and prudent wise as a serpent. A report and exposure was produced on an organisation called ICPE which calls itself an evangelical organisation in Bangalore. The director of that organisation Fritz, had taken the article and went to a senior priest seeking mercy but there was still no repentance. The priest had communicated this to a reporter. Fritz had told several people that this particular priest was his spiritual director, but the priest denied the same. This was communicated to three religious leaders and reporters.
To cover up his faults, Fritz had taken the article and read it out to his community and pleaded with them to keep this secret. But some of his disciples, who do not endorse his view, reported his hypocrisy and double standards to religious leaders and a media reporter.
As an international evangelist said ‘Fritz is a compromise and his daughter is a scandal’ It takes us no pleasure to expose anybody, but we are simply being obedient to the word of God. Ephesians 5:11 ‘have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.’
A prominent and senior religious leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal expressed why he did not join the ICPE community. He mentioned that Fritz has failed in his calling for he has failed to control his daughter who dresses and behaves provocatively. He further stated that when he was in college, Fritz used to come to his college and tell the boys and girls how to dress and to keep distance from each other but has failed to convict his daughter with the same message. He further stated that after he had done his discipleship at ICPE in another country, he was refrained from joining the ICPE Community in Bangalore for he did not trust Fritz although he was forced. He endorses that he had made the best
decision of his life.
Another prominent leader who was to join the community stated that ICPE is an elitist community.
The Managing Director of a Catholic News Agency expressed that Fritz was behind him seeking press coverage to promote his philosophy. As soon as the previous article exposing Fritz was published, a much respected International Catholic Evangelist who knows Fritz made this comment when he knew that Fritz’ missionaries had not gone to visit a dying patient when requested to do so. “Maybe some people would have rushed over faster if the Fijians had money or connections to invite over to Fiji, etc.” I agree with that statement.
Some members of the Mangalorean community were scandalised to hear of the double standards of ICPE after they had found evidences of its scandal.
If we cannot help someone, we should not suppress those who are reaching out. These organisations tend to release the Barab’bas and arrest the Barnabas of the Church. Many of our young Evangelists have made several mistakes simply because those like Fritz who were supposed to be shepherds have been predators.
Are we simply preaching as a profession or are we really doing the will of God?
Let us be labourers of the vineyard and propagate God’s love and mercy and compassion. Let us not give the devil a foothold into our lives. For we are all Gods’ workmanship.

That the above alleged “report from religious investigating officers and journalistswas ghost-written by Dominic Dixon is so obvious that it does not need saying. The promised “More of this will be produced on the internet and in the secular press” did not materialise. There are so many spelling, grammatical and other errors in the above story that I stopped sic-cing. The errors and some of the words are typical of Dixon’s poor writings.

I — and many Bangalore Catholics — can easily identify the persons who the report claims condemned Fritz and ICPE. The “Ephesians 5:11” reference points to this ministry [mine]. Well, no one ‘interviewed’ me about Fritz/ICPE. Except Dominic Dixon! If he insists — as he HAS — that the comment about Fritz and his daughter was made by me to him, then he must concede to being the real author of this fabricated slanderous ‘report’!


Dominic Dixon’s bluff is called by his former associate Joel Fernandes:
http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/MangaloreanCatholics/message/5586 February 21, 2007

Posted By: joelferns
Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:48 am

The above is all made up. I know Fritz very well and also the ICPE. I had a personal investigator work on this based in Bangalore and he was quoted as saying
there is a sort of campaign against Dom within ICPE (because of all
the stupid things he keeps doing)* to which Dom is actually reacting, which he should not be doing…
You remember that interview with Glen & teresa?
The reason I gave you (before I knew anything about Dom) was that it was a very uncomfortable interview with strong sexual overtones and narrowing down to teresa’s personal life. that has always cast a cloud over dom’s character to me… and it is proving true… he did get into the call centre campaign and get into the papers and even on TV! he went to a girls college here and made them sign “Chastity Pledges” and the girls were like: “Who does he think he is! He made us feel so cheap like we are all selling ourselves!” some even remarked saying, “Who is this Holy Spirit who talks about and who seems to be revealing to him only the sexual sins of girls” u get the hint don’t u? that’s all i have to say for now”.
Thanks my friend for the inputs. I know Dom personally and that is the reason I can say, that his exposure of ICPE is totally a personal assault on the Fritz and the ICPE. *Text added by me [Joel Fernandes]


III. http://dir.groups.yahoo.com/group/MangaloreanCatholics/message/5596
February 22, 2007

Posted By: domdix
Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:49 am

Jeol, You need to get your facts right. Why would there be a campaign against me at the ICPE? I thought that they were a religious group. Be careful of what you say.

Note that Dominic Dixon is always threatening people, for example “Be careful of what you say“, and that the people whom he threatens are ALWAYS those whom he has associated closely with earlier.

One may also note that all of the people whom I have cited in this report from emails and blog posts believe that Dixon is a VERY disturbed person, some of them saying that he is psychotic and needs therapy. There are many more, including priests, who have spoken this to me in person or on the telephone but are afraid to put their words in writing to me for fear of retribution from Dixon.

When I made the first installment of this report public, I mentioned that I expected to be threatened, and I did expect abuse and slander in the public domain, but the ferocity and devilish ingenuity of his personal attacks on people associated with this ministry took even me by surprise. The details of those instances cannot be revealed by me at this point in time. We may do so in the future, if discerned to be necessary.


Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 12:04 AM

Subject: Semper Reformanda – always reforming

Recently in Bangalore, there was a case reported of a youth leader who was repeatedly sexually molested by his mentor who belonged to a prominent Catholic missions’ organisation. This boy had done his discipleship at this missions’ organization. His greatest pain was that the mentor said that he saw nothing wrong in his actions and gave the youth leader a philosophical explanation. The danger is that this mentor will be ordained a Catholic priest in the next few months. How did this happen? This happened because of the negligent lifestyle and leadership as there is a delinquent pattern with this ministry. This ministry had started off very well and have done great things, but now, the testimony is lost. Dom

NOTE THE USE OF THE PHRASE “missions’ organisation” [to describe ICPE] IN BOTH, the above MoreLove circular signed by Dixon as well as in the alleged “report from religious investigating officers and journalists” on page 32. The SAME phrase is used by Dixon in his Mangalorean Catholics post of April 20,
2010, see page 35,

And yet again, for a FOURTH TIME, in his Mangalorean Catholics post of May 17, 2010, also on page 35

NOTE ALSO THE REFERENCE by Dixon to “Adolf Hitler of Nazism“, page 31, is uncannily similar to his calling Fr. Adolf Washington “Hitler”, see page 17. Must I continue to furnish evidence that the ghost-writer is Dixon?


Despite his vicious slanderous attacks on Fritz Mascarenhas/ICPE in February 2007 [EXPOSURE: Freedom from Fascism and Fritzism! pages 11, 12 and 31-33], June 2007 [pages 25-29], [with the intervention of a pretended repentance on July 24, 2007, see page 29]
and July 2008 [on this page] he interviews and felicitates the very same Fritz Mascarenhas on HSI MoreLove Radio just a few months down the road:

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 11:21 PM

Subject: Authentic Ministry : Bro. Fritz Mascarenhas & Dr. Dominic Dixon

A conversation with Bro. Fritz Mascarenhas, Director – ICPE, International Catholic Program for Evangelisation


Dr. Dominic Dixon, Director – HSI MoreLove Radio

with personal testimony, pearls of wisdom & revival!

Wednesday Nov. 26 TO Friday Nov. 28 @ 1pm & 5pm IST.

We @ HSI MoreLove Radio honour Bro. Fritz for his service to God by dedicating our new song to him:

Thanks brother, for calling home, all the lost!

Log on to www.MoreLoveRadio.com to listen to the conversation with the song “Coming Home”




But fewer than 18 months later, in April 2010, he is at Fritz Mascarenhas’ throat yet again, once more utilising the Mangalorean Catholics [MC] forum for continuing his vendetta against Fritz and ICPE:

I. The following article, posted in Mangalorean Catholics on April 19, 2010, may be accessed at


The sex scandals in catholic churches, April 10, 2010

Posted by J. S. Rodricks, April 19, 2010


The sex scandals in catholic churches by Israel Jayakaran

What’s wrong with the Catholic churches and their priests? Day in and day out, we read in the papers that a particular priest molested some young girls, one Fr sexually abused some 200 deaf boys. Recently there was a news in Chennai, India that a Fr had misbehaved with an young girl somewhere in the USA. And he happily escaped quietly back to Chennai evading the investigation. The Archbishop of Chennai had told the concerned priest to go back to the States, face the inquiry and clear himself or receive the appropriate punishment. The Pope has also been accused of taking a lean view on such cases and nearly closing his eyes to the happenings in various churches.
One needs to go into the root cause of such sexual misdemeanor rather than focusing on particular incidents.
I think the basic trouble lies in the condition that all Catholic priests should be single men. Which Pope had laid down this proviso? The Catholic church claims that Apostle Peter was their first Pope, who was a married man. Somewhere down the line of Popes, some Pope had brought the ‘single person’ criterion. Where in the Bible has it been stated that those who do God’s work must be bachelors? According to the old Testament, God appointed Prophets to carry His messages through to the people. God never insisted that they be bachelors. Moses, God’s most favorite prophet had 4 wives. Coming to the New Testament era, Apostle Paul refused to marry and raise a family all because he felt that he cannot divide his time between the Gospel and the family. He wanted all his time for preaching Jesus Christ’s good news. Simultaneously, he had also said that he did not recommend celibacy to all evangelists; if they cannot stick to bachelorship, they must get married. So, by what Biblical authority, did that Pope whoever it was, demand bachelorhood as a pre- requisite to join the priest community in the Catholic system? He is answerable to God for this stringent rule, which is against all norms of life, at the time of judgment. The Protestant church permits its pastors, deacons, bishops and moderators to marry. They also do God’s work, don’t they?
It is my information that the catholic priests in many African countries have defied this edict from the Vatican and had gone ahead with the marital status. The Pope hadn’t been able to prohibit them or punish them for this step.
Will some Pope be bold enough and remove this obligation? That will put a stop to all sexual malpractices.
I had the privilege of teaching the English language in a catholic seminary for some ten years. All my students were school pass outs around the age of 17. They were the future priests around the age of 25 after all kinds of training.. Can young men of this age group, suppress their sexual urge? Isn’t it unfair to expect them to do so also? They cannot. It is natural. So, they resort to all kinds of moral depravity. And their immoral behaviour among their congregation makes world news casting aspersions on the character of the Christian community as a whole.
In such a scenario, the Catholic church has two options. One, to permit the priest clan to marry if they wish to. Next, to recruit only persons above the age of sixty, either single or widowers, to become clergymen. Would the current Pope please take a decision and clean up the mess of sexual corruption in the church? Whatever step he takes in this regard would certainly have God’s approval and the world would hear no complaints of sexual crimes any more.

The above article I found in the net and feel this is a suitable subject for discussion with an open mind. Since there are many learned priests and Catholics in this blog, I thought we may share our thoughts with others through this blog

Joseph and Stella Rodricks, Bangalore.

The article, purportedly written by Israel Jayakaran, a retired Colonel of the Indian armed forces who expired on February 1, 2013, is so replete with grammatical and other errors [for example, "one Fr", "a news in Chennai" and "The Archbishop of Chennai"] that I suspected that it was authored by Dominic Dixon, which I mentioned in the earlier edition of this report, especially since Israel Jayakaran’s profile states that he “turned into an English teacher during my retired life. Have evolved a new method of teaching English for learners from non-English speaking countries“. Moreover, there is no traceable record of any other writing by him on religious issues, Catholic or otherwise. This is a puzzle that will probably never be solved.


II. Church-baiter Allwyn Fernandes wrote, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MangaloreanCatholics/message/25757, Congratulations to you both for saying what you did, boldly and out loud, when many are finding it convenient to say what their priests and bishops want them to say. Fr Henri Boulad, the Jesuit from Egypt has made the same point in a long
open letter he wrote three years ago. Sadly, the Pope chose not to respond to him. Celibacy should be optional, with the right to opt out should you come across someone you choose to love. That is why many people who want to devote their
lives to the service of society choose to stay away from convents or seminaries – and they live good lives. Because the free choice is applicable every day of their lives. They dont feel imprisoned.

Many members of MC find it a good place to post anti-Catholic, heretical, New Age and other such stuff that shows the Church in a bad light with the open support of the liberal owner-moderator Ancy D’Souza which finally resulted in the exit of a few members including the other moderator Derrick D’Costa and me.




Mangalorean Catholics digest no. 1973 dated April 20, 2010


Posted by: “Dr Dominic Dixon” MangaloreanCatholics@gmail.com   domdix
Apr 20, 2010 1:53 am (PDT)

Hello everyone,
I agree with the views that somewhere, the Church have [sic] taken God’s authority into its own hands!
In Bangalore, a lay missions organization that just had it’s first Priest ordained, has two in the making.
Sometime ago, one of the Priest [sic] in the making was caught molesting a boy several times from that youth group. When the boy questioned the perpetrator, the perpetrator phiosphised [sic] it and explained the different types of love and said that his actions were love as another Priest had expressed the same to him, sexually & verbally.
The perpetrator is now in Rome doing his final studies. He was a student of St. Peter’s Pontifical Seminary in Bangalore.
What was the action taken by the Director of that missions organization, NOTHING, as usual, put everything under the carpet. The victim was my counsellee [sic] and now rehabilated [sic] and has forgiven [sic] the perpetrator.
I belive [sic] that if the perpetrator has repetented [sic], then God has forgiven him. My only concern is – has the perpetrator been helped or are we going to see more scandals.
We all have our weaknesses as I am aware of mine. We need to acknowledge that we have our struggles and not deny it. Having said that, there is no condemnation in the above mentioned, but I am going to do my part in praying for us, the Body of Christ. Love,
Dr. Dominic Dixon


The above was communicated by me to the ICPE director and to three ICPE seminarians, two of who are now ordained:

fritz mascarenhas; Name Withheld 1; Name Withheld 2; Name Withheld 3


Dear Fritz, Bro. Nn, Bro. Nn [with a copy to Fr. Nn],

I thought that you should know this. Dominic Dixon has been writing on this forum, MangaloreanCatholics, and elsewhere against ICPE for a long time. It is read by 5,000 Mangaloreans in India and all over the world.

It is not difficult for most people to identify the organization and it’s Director.

If you feel that you should respond to this, the moderators’ email addresses are as follows:

1. Mr Ancy D’Souza: ancyds@gmail.com; salusoz@yahoo.co.in;

2. Mr. Derrick D’Costa: derrickdcosta@yahoo.com;


In solidarity with you, Michael

I did not receive an acknowledgement. Today, I have taken the decision to publish this and all other related correspondence –Michael


Below, Mr. Dixon uses a completely unrelated thread to bombard the hapless Fritz Mascarenhas and ICPE:

Mangalorean Catholics digest no. 2004 dated
May 17, 2010


Re: Our Mangalore bishop is too busy with inaugurations and blessing

Posted by: “Dominic Dixon, Bangalore” MangaloreanCatholics@gmail.com  Mon May 17, 2010 1:03 am (PDT)
Dear Joseph/ Stella [Rodricks],
It is the right for one to stay anonymous in a public forum. As the head of a media organization & the head of a social justice organization, I advise you not to try to rob them of that choice. In the Christians spirit, we have a choice to address the issue. If it is true, have the guts to dialogue with the Bishop. If not, continue to clarify the issue.

The Bishop may be a living Saint, I do not dispute that. His human element could urge him out of his first calling and that needs to be addressed.
There is one funda-mental-ist, so called Catholic missionary organization in Bangalore that have ripped people apart when they brought up issues while they encourage adulterers & homosexulaus [sic] as missionaries in their minsitry [sic] till this day. Let us dialogue and not suppreess [sic]. Regards,

This was informed by me to the ICPE director and to three ICPE seminarians, two of who are now ordained:

fritz mascarenhas; Name Withheld 1 ; Name Withheld 2 ; Name Withheld 3 ;

Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 6:25 PM Subject: DOM DIXON IS STILL AT IT! [As above]

Only one of the seminarians, now a priest, acknowledged receipt of this letter.



In June 2009, I received an email from a person calling himself “SUNDER DASS”. The email, reproduced here, is an attack on the moral character of Anthony Sagayaraj, a former chairman of the Bangalore Service Team of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal [CCR]. Once again, the Mangalorean Catholics forum is used.

Sunder Dass
Date: Wednesday, 17 June, 2009, 6:30 PM

Subject: Attn: Bishops & Leaders [Humiliation in Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal]

Sunder Dass Sub Editor of a secular publication (Chennai) 35.


Another major humiliation in Bangalore. The Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal is yet again in another high profile scandal with its service team member, Anthony Sagayaraj.

Anthony Sagayaraj, working at an NGO and a long time member of the Bangalore Service Team, was found guilty during an investigation in Bangalore, moderated by Simon Rodrigues, chairman of the Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Anthony was found guilty last week of “defamation of character” of a young girl and several other youth over the years. A youth from a youth group in Bangalore said that “Anthony is a sly and corny man” while another youth said that “he is a man who is a stronghold in the renewal”. One of the leaders of a large ministry with over twenty years of being an evangelist in Bangalore said that “Anthony is the cause of disunity in the renewal” while another said that “he is hungry for power and he abuses it”.

This issue was brought to our notice here in Chennai through the victim’s family members who were fed with immoral information [sic] about their own child. The mother of the victim and other parents now refuse to attend the “Bread of Life” prayer meeting because Anthony is a leader there. The mother spoke to a legal counsellor today and in her statement in Bangalore has expressed that her family was tormented with Anthony’s actions which almost broke her marriage as the father accused the mother too and refused to speak to the daughter who is innocent and now depressed, undergoing serious psychological counselling. She says that Anthony took her aside after the prayer meeting and told her derogative things about her daughter which made her feel “dirty and humiliating” [sic]. She says that leaders like Anthony should never be given a chance to preach again and should be shown the door. She and her family members threaten to sue the Charismatic Renewal if this persists and will boycott any meeting that Anthony preaches at.

Just today the wedding anniversary of the victim’s parents was celebrated and over 80% of their relatives did not attend the much anticipated celebrations due to the vicious act of Anthony Sagayaraj that has left deep scars on the family’s image and has caused separation. The victim says that Anthony needs to know that even he has daughters. The mother of the victim had cried bitterly today because at their Mass, the husband stood on the opposite side of the Church and did not even wish “sign of peace” to his wife. Such are the ramifications [sic] of Antony’s well planned wicked deeds.

The investigation uncovered Anthony’s brainwashing and indoctrination of parents about their children’s companions. Anthony is also a leader of the oldest prayer group in Bangalore , the “Bread of Life” which according to three women, is known to be a warehouse of gossip mongers with luke-warm [sic] Catholics and is also the prayer meeting where Anthony indoctrinated the victim’s mother.

Anthony had been an undercover spy in demoralizing the youth of Bangalore and because of his strong hold in the charismatic renewal, has been getting away. This time he had spoken against the character of a young girl who had just come to the renewal. The girl had drafted a letter to the State Human Rights Commission and two others had an FIR [sic]. Anthony was asked by several people to resign from his position, but he shamefully has not done so even after causing a great deal of hurt to the already tainted image of the renewal.

It was also found that Anthony has also had riffs with his female colleague. His file at office indicates that his integrity was questioned in the areas of money laundering but it was overlooked. We were informed that he is quite unfaithful in spending the appropriate required time at work and arrives late, leaves early and takes leave, unaccounted for.

All legal action was apparently dropped due to the request of Simon Rodrigues, who according to the victim was calm.

The above slanderous letter has “Dominic Dixon” written all over it. It purports to be from a sub editor based in Chennai, but my enquiries with the media, with which I have fairly good contacts, reveal that there is no one in the media named “Sunder Dass”.


A few days later, “Sunder Dass” wrote directly to me, copying to me the above email of June 17. In his letter to me, below, he refers to a discussion thread “Affluence, power cause rot in the Church
in Mangalorean Catholics, claiming that someone forwarded it to him. However, since Mr. Dixon was a member of MC, he would have received it in his mailbox:

Sunder Dass
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 10:07 AM

Subject: Fw: Attn: Bishops & Leaders [Humiliation in Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal]

Dear Michael,

Your article to Harold “Affluence, power cause rot in the Church” was forwarded to me. Below is what I had run in within the regilious [sic] news forums and was requested not to get this out into the press.

As I read the issue of you lacking “humility” it is however the supression [sic] of reilgious [sic] people in power who abuse the God given authority. I have spoken to other voices such as yours in Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai and people with over 25 years of serving God have complained about the strong hold in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.

Will connect back with you when I’m back in the Country.

I appreciate your prophetic voice as I’m a convert to the Catholic Church. Best Regards Dass.

The referred “article” was not written by me as claimed by “Sunder Dass”/Mr. Dixon, but posted by Church-baiter and MC moderator, Ancy D’Souza on June 20. It concerned “Sr. Jesme, the author of the controversial book, ‘Amen’
and was responded to on June 26 by one Harold Lobo who shared his thoughts, adding “Will some learned person who has studied church history (Mr. Michael Prabhu for example) enlighten readers about this?” to which I responded on June 27, see http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MangaloreanCatholics/message/17575.

I wrote AGAINST the anti-Church slant set by Ancy D’Souza, also reproducing a June 16, 2009
article, “Bishop Tells Oxford Students to Challenge Dissent, Even in Priests or Bishops” by
Patrick Craine from http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/archive//ldn/2009/jun/09061605.


“Sunder Dass” grabbed the opportunity to try and publicise his anti-Anthony Sagayaraj “news story”. He let me believe that he was presently out of the country so that I could not use the telephone to speak to him. I decided to play along with “Sunder Dass” who I believed [and still do believe] to be Dominic Dixon:

Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 3:01 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: Attn: Bishops & Leaders [Humiliation in Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal]

Dear Sunder, I am happy to hear from a Catholic lay man like you.

Because my ministry is independent and impartial, I do get a lot of information and feedback from all over India, even from Chairpersons of some service teams of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal who tell me how other leaders including former Chairpersons try to undermine their positions and activities.

But this news about Bangalore takes me completely by surprise. Normally I would be the first to know, but in this case I must admit that I am totally ignorant. I am quite taken aback about the developments concerning Anthony Sagayaraj.

I have no personal problems with him, and in fact I like him and he has been good to me.

But I had always suspected that he was too good to be true, because there were some things about his actions that did not match his words. However I always gave him the benefit of the doubt, having no evidence, except that I noted that he rejects the position that the Catholic Church has accorded to Mother Mary, something that I could never reconcile with his being a Service Team chairperson.

I have stayed at his home in December 2007 when he invited me to give a two-day Seminar on Catholic apologetics to the leaders of the Bangalore Service Team. The Lord had already warned me about something concerning this invitation, it was again confirmed before I left Chennai, and once again after my arrival in Bangalore, but I did not share the details with Anthony Sagayaraj till now.

Today I can understand why. After the Seminar, public assurances were made by Anthony, unsolicited by me, but he did not honour them. It was only then that I really started to wonder about his credibility and integrity.

Then in July 2008 I started my crusade to have the New Community Bible withdrawn by the CBCI. Please see the homepage of my web site www.ephesians-511.net to understand my ministry [and me] better. Anthony declined to give me a letter of support despite my several requests. After that I removed his name from my regular mailing list as I did with all those, even my best of friends who would not join me and fight for the faith of their children and grandchildren.

The report that you have written shocks me. But it should not. I have seen similar cases before concerning other Chairmen of Service teams and I have not been popular because of my open condemnation of what has been happening.

I look forward to meeting you at your convenience. God bless, Michael


In his response to me, “Sunder Dass” cunningly tries to use me to get his “news story” posted in MC. He also tries to draw me out on his own friend, Simon Rodrigues, the Chairman of the Bangalore Service Team who succeeded Anthony Sagayaraj, and I continued to play along:

Sunder Dass
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 10:25 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: Attn: Bishops & Leaders [Humiliation in Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal]

Dear Michael, Thanks for responding so promptly. I am amazed and shocked to hear about Anthony. But like you said, it does not surprise. 

Please feel free run the article at the Mangalore forum. I cannot post as I’m not a member.

Many people whom I’ve spoken to said that Anthony is a [sic] very “sly” and “two-faced”. I also heard that the present leader of the renewal is a Pastor of some sort. How is that possible?

I was told that one of Anthony’s friend became a Pastor and even took some Nuns with him. I was so shocked. Some one in the Catholic Church wrote against the issue and they sneared [sic] at him while Anthony told people that this writer was out of his head.

All this is so confusing. I beleive there is a Catholic social justice organisation in Bangalore that has taken up the case.

I have to leave right now. Will catch up with you in a while. Regards, Dass.


Not getting a response, “Sunder Dass” follows up on the above with a flattering email to me:

Sunder Dass

Dear Michael,

I just wonder how you get the courage to write such truths without compromise. I’m surprised as to how the leaders did not take action against you. 

Me being a sub-editor, have restrictions from the publications I write at. Truly God must be with you. 

Will get back to you at a later date. Thanks for the encouragement to speak the truth. Regards, Dass.


My reply to “Sunder Dass”, from which he realises that he is not going to be able to use me to do his dirty work in MC, and finding me becoming inquisitive, he vanishes, not even responding to a reminder from me:

Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:56 AM Subject: BANGALORE, etc

Dear Dass,

I thank you for your two emails. To answer some of your questions, I must explain further.


I regret that I am unable to post your report on MangaloreanCatholics for some reasons. My involvement there is 1) mainly to respond to questions put to me; 2) to correct erroneous postings made by others; 3) very rarely to post some news item on a topic related to Catholic faith, from a recognized Catholic source, to counter mis-information.

I am unable to even post my own alerts because they are labeled as personal attacks on individuals. My last successful attempt was a warning about maverick Jesuit priest Fr. Ronnie Prabhu, but there was a small storm after it got posted. So I have adopted a different strategy: I look for an opportunity against someone’s posting to include references to my website and my articles.

Another thing is that, because of the very nature of my ministry, I am extremely careful not to print something unless I have personally verified all details from printed and published evidence if possible and from one or two other sources which verify it in writing. My research is meticulous and intensive. I cannot afford to make one small mistake because there are powers that naturally wish to see the end of my ministry. A couple of times I have made very small mis-statements and even those were taken very seriously and I had to apologize for them. One mistake will harm my credibility and nullify all the good work that I have done, as a lot of other questions may then arise.

In the case of your first letter to me, I at once noted that I could not know to which bishops and leaders exactly you had written. If you check the reports on my website, you will find that all identities are revealed. The only thing that I may conceal is the email address of the person who writes to me so that the person does not get spam. Otherwise his/her name is always revealed. My argument is this, that if a person wants to be anonymous, then he/she is not really and truly standing up for truth, justice and righteousness.

Only in one out of a few hundred cases have I withheld even the name of the person who might be a priest or a very senior leader in the CCR who might have requested anonymity so that they can continue to help me. I take the stand that if someone objects to my using their name, I would rather have nothing to do with that person because then I cannot trust him or her and if there is an enquiry on me or to me, I would be left stranded and without defense.

Of course, I am taking only about my ministry, and I completely respect you or anyone else that chooses to act differently and in their own style in their work or ministry.

A few times I have initiated some action on a letter received from someone or the other, and every time I had run into problems because I did not know enough to defend myself or my position when the party challenged me. I learned through experience. In most cases, the person who fed me with the information wanted to remain safe while I took the risk and it was often because the other person had some personal problem with the other party.

I hope you will understand my limitations and my principles and bear with me, in the overall interests of our ministries.

You asked how the “leaders” [Church or CCR] have not been able to restrict or stop me. The above is partly why. I ensure that my homework is done thoroughly. And I make my report on the basis of the teaching of the Church. If someone challenges me, they will effectively be saying that the Church is wrong! If you would kindly spend some time running through some of many reports, alerts and articles, www.ephesians-511.net you would understand how I work. That is why I sent you that forward of my letter to Cardinal Tauran as an example. You will see that I gave Derrick D’Costa’s name and even his email address as a guarantee of its legitimacy.

Again, you are 100% on the dot when you express your doubt about Simon Rodrigues being some sort of a pastor. I have always being saying that he is a closet Pentecostal. In fact the person referred to is me, and the report is mine! If you read on my web site the report ANTHONY SAMUEL-ADONAI’S BRIDE-CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC PREACHER TURNS PENTECOSTAL about a Catholic charismatic leader who left the Church, Simon’s name figures in it twice on page 4. He made false prophesies to me. This is one of the very rare cases where I have disclosed personal information on my site, but I was obliged to do it, because I cannot stand Pentecostals pretending to be Catholics and subverting the Church from within. Anthony Sagayaraj and Simon Rodrigues are Pastor Samuel’s closest friends in Bangalore and he’s been staying with them even till recently. People like Sandeep Rodrigues and Martin Ribeiro are also part of that group.

The powerful forces in Bangalore have never forgiven me for it, and I lost a number of friends and even a couple of benefactors. If we can work together and document more facts, I am more than willing to put together a new report. I am ready to visit Bangalore along with you to that end if you have people who will talk. It will be proper if I can make a pucca report for the National Service Team and the CBCI.

About the problem with the girl in Chennai, I know nothing. But there is something else very personal in connection with Simon, Anthony and Pastor Anthony Samuel that I will share with you when we meet.

Presently, I am slowly building a report on people close to the Goa Service Team who are involved in New Age centering prayer and other questionable stuff.

My telephone number is 2461 1606 and I live next to Foreshore Estate. Where do you live in Chennai? I am rather eager to meet with you.
I don’t know what you are the sub-editor of, but I respect whatever privacy you might want to keep. Love & Prayers, Michael

Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:10 PM




When Mr. Derrick D’Costa, the second MC moderator called me from Bahrain, we found that, having failed to instigate me to get his “story” published in MC, “Sunder Dass” had made an unsuccessful direct attempt.


Here is my correspondence with Derrick D’Costa — sent to him when I found that “Sunder Dass” had gone silent — with my explanatory notes:

Derrick D’Costa
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 9:10 PM


Dear Derrick, Thanks for your telephone call. This is what I told you about. Love, Michael

My entire correspondence was reproduced to Derrick D’Costa. Derrick informed me that “Sunder Dass” had, directly or through a third party [he did not say which], attempted to get his “news story” posted in the MC forum, the very day after he had received my above recorded evasive and inquisitory letter of June 30, and that his [Sunder Dass'] attempt had been thwarted by Mr. Ancy D’Souza, the owner-moderator:


Derrick D’Costa
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 3:52 PM


Yes we discussed this one- he must have posted it through someone else- He made a lot of personal points which have potential to hurt people and their loved ones.

From: Ancy D’Souza <ancyds@gmail.com> To: Derrick D’Costa <derrickdcosta@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 3:37:23 AM Subject: Fwd: Attn: Bishops & Leaders [Humiliation in Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal]
Dear Derrick, I do not think this may be published in our group. What do you feel? With regards Ancy

From: Derrick D’Costa <derrickdcosta@yahoo.com> To: Ancy D’Souza <ancyds@gmail.com>

Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2009 5:46 AM Subject: Fwd: Attn: Bishops & Leaders [Humiliation in Bangalore Catholic Charismatic Renewal]

Dear Ancy, This one is good for deletion. God bless, Derrick


Derrick D’Costa
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 4:45 AM Subject: URGENT: SUNDER DASS

Dear Derrick, Can you let me know clearly who exactly tried to get the Anthony Sagayaraj story posted in MC? What name or alias or id did he use? Did he write to MC or to Ancy personally? What was the date of the attempt? Please be clear in your reply, because I think that I know who did it. You know the guy. Shall confirm on hearing from you. Love, Michael


Derrick D’Costa
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 11:38 AM Subject: Re: URGENT: SUNDER DASS

Dear Michael It is quite difficult to find out. I did go through the logs and some deletions were made both by me and Ancy.  But one Dass Sunder membership was accepted around that time. Even though Ancy allows me I do not approve memberships due to a huge number of spammers and right-wing fellows. It was deleted as the mail suggests on 1 July. God bless Derrick


Derrick D’Costa
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 12:30 PM Subject: Re: URGENT: SUNDER DASS

Dear Derrick, It was Dominic Dixon. I got an inspiration and studied careful the style of the writer.

Moreover, no one else has such agendas and personal grudges. He was careful to say that he was not in India so that he need not give me his telephone number. It is he. I am certain. What a crook and schemer! Love, Michael


Derrick D’Costa
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 2:05 PM Subject: Re: URGENT: SUNDER DASS

Dear Michael, If so, then we have let a very nasty person in. Dominic is anyway a member, I cannot understand why he would want a fake ID. I am sure unless it is very late at night and Ancy is distracted such mails of his will not get through. God bless, Derrick

So, quod erat demonstratum, “Sunder Dass” IS Dominic Dixon.

Now, if one will once again look at my long letter of June 30 to Mr. Dixon, upon receipt of which he realised that he was not going to get anywhere with me, and then look at the correspondence with me below — which commenced a few hours later on the VERY SAME day, one will see that the new alias — which Derrick could not recall because a month had elapsed before my inquiry was made with him and the post was deleted from MC — donned by Dominic Dixon was CYRIL SUNIL DANTHI!



The post “Affluence, power cause rot in the Church” referred to in the subject line was from the owner-moderator, Ancy D’Souza, and other MC members had also commented, but he chose to write to me:

Cyril Danthi
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 5:41 PM

Subject: Re: Affluence, power cause rot in the Church

I do agree with your views, Cyril Danthi
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 8:47 AM Subject: THANKS, CYRIL

Dear Cyril, Thank you. You must be referring to my posting in Mangalorean Catholics though I do not recall seeing your name before. My website is www.ephesians-511.net. Kindly visit it. Love & Prayers, Michael



Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 12:00 PM Subject: Re: THANKS, CYRIL

Dear Sir I just went through your website, really its good, I could not go through it thoroughly … since I am at work now, however I think I have found a really good group where i can interact and contribute. Prayers and Grace of blessing 2 you,
regards, Cyril

Cyril Sunil Danthi made exactly one post in Mangalorean Catholics — on July 24, 2009, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MangaloreanCatholics/message/18501. Cyril Danthi is a real person — his profile may be accessed on the Internet — but Cyril Sunil Danthi isn’t. If I am wrong — and I doubt that I am — I invite the real Danthi to contact me by email and give me his telephone number.



Almost concurrent with all of the above correspondence, a new front emerged, this time from Dubai:

Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2009 8:47 PM
‘Bro. Michael Prabhu’
Subject: IDOL WORSHIP IN CHURCHES – An Open Letter Importance: High

The Peace & Love of Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit Be With You Always,

Dear Bro. Michael,

Let me briefly introduce myself as a very deeply rooted Catholic whose very life and existence revolves around the Eucharistic Lord with the intercession of MOM (Mother Our Mother). I have been following your zeal for the Catholic Church and Thank and Praise Abba from the bottom of my heart and depth of my soul for filling you with his Spirit of Truth and Wisdom to challenge erroneous catholic doctrine. Bro, I am not sure if you have ever read this letter below but it is of deep concern for what is written so blatantly and spread across using different media.

Below please find an Open Letter to the Church titled “IDOL WORSHIP IN CHURCHES” written and circulated by Dominic Dixon (Founder of HSI More Love Radio) who is supposedly conducting Charismatic Seminars with other prominent preachers in Bangalore. He is also a partner of the widely spreading Holy Spirit Interactive Movement (which has many unanswered questions of its own)

These are certainly very provocative, deeply concerning statements and will raise unwanted questions among the Catholic laity and lead them to search for answers in the wrong places which this is what I firmly believe that these people in the Jesus business intend to do (using the cover of unveiling truth) but ultimately gathering numbers which translate into $$$. What has got my nerves ticking is not the fact of him questioning the Idol Worship in Our Catholic Church but what I have quoted from his letter below where he is now questioning the BLESSED SACRAMENT: I had done a survey of Catholic retreats. In carrying out the survey, my findings indicated that around 87% of Catholics cannot stay focused on praise and worship or a walk through during retreats, if the Blessed Sacrament is not exposed. Furthermore, Catholics demonstrated more reverence for God, only when the Blessed Sacrament was exposed. When I had dialogued with some international Catholic retreat leaders, their response was that “Catholics need something tangible” in order to worship.

Bro. Michael, I hope you understand my grave concern especially when someone who is preaching from the pulpit and a structured platform but is now questioning the presence of The Eucharistic Lord in The Blessed Sacrament which is the centre and focus of Our Church – Our Life!

I have being lead very deeply to share my heart with you on this with the hope that such leaders are corrected and not permitted to PREY on people with their own personal agendas.

Humbly in Christ, Bro. Rohan (Dubai)


Rohan F Britto
‘Bro. Michael Prabhu’
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 1:06 AM

Subject: FW: IDOL WORSHIP IN CHURCHES – An Open Letter

Dear Bro Michael, I pray all is well with you, further to my last mail below I did not receive any acknowledgement from you and so am unsure if you received the same and so I am resending it to you for your valuable perusal, comments and actions.

I continue to pray and thank Jesus each day for giving you the Spirit of Truth and helping you in all your endeavours. Humbly in Christ Jesus, Bro. Rohan

Rohan F. Britto is a real person with a Dubai-based ministry. I reproduce here the article purported to be written by Dominic Dixon that was sent to me by Rohan Britto:


IDOL WORSHIP IN CHURCHES An open letter to the Church!

By Dr. Dominic F. Dixon, March 16, 2009

Please Note:
In writing to the Church in this tone, it is with the purest of intentions only for the purpose of building the Church and to bring people to the authentic knowledge of Christ. Sometimes it is difficult to write such letters not for the fear of being ostracized, but of being misunderstood. Having said that, I rather obey God and present the authentic Gospel!
Priest admits to idol worship in Church
These were the headlines in the newspaper in Bangalore on Thursday, March 12, 2009 [DH]. I spoke to the Priest who was accused of making that statement and he said that those were not his statements and that it was fabricated. I really wished that the Priest had actually made that statement.



March 12, 2009 [from Express News Service, March 11] and
March 13, 2009.

According to indiantake.blogspot, “no other English newspaper has carried this story. Even the ‘New Indian Express’ has not carried this story on its website. That is why I have reproduced the entire article here“.


Indeed, we have adulterated worship in our Church. We idolize our rituals, we paganize our shrines, we even legalize our prayer life and in doing so, we have lost the purpose of our very being, which is to have a relationship with God.

When a protestant calls a Catholic an idol worshipper, he should first remove the Cross that hangs in his Church, remove the name board of the Church and remove the Pastor, because at many Churches, the Pastor is idolized (hero worship). The concept of biblical idolatry is not so much that of kissing statues of saints per se. It is more of substituting your intimate relationship with God for something tangible i.e. Romans 1:25 “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”

No matter how you define sin, sin is sin. You can call sex out of marriage as love making; it is still adultery and is still an abomination to the Lord.

I had done a survey of Catholic retreats. In carrying out the survey, my findings indicated that around 87% of Catholics cannot stay focused on praise and worship or a walk through during retreats, if the Blessed Sacrament is not exposed. Furthermore, Catholics demonstrated more reverence for God, only when the Blessed Sacrament was exposed. When I had dialogued with some international Catholic retreat leaders, their response was that “Catholics need something tangible” in order to worship.

Around 82% of Protestants on the other hand, especially the Pentecostals, cannot worship nor have their services without vibrant worship, even if that worship is a mere sounding gong. This is also partly the case with some Catholic Charismatic groups.

It is the desire of ardent Catholics, for our people to have an intimacy with Christ rather than the symbolic clinging on of a saintly image. The Catholic Church has failed, I say it again, failed to bring its flock to an intimacy with Christ. You can call a separation of marriage as “annulment”, it is still separation and a violation of Mark 10:9 and it is propagation of divorce.
You can call kissing and garlanding of a statue as veneration [CCC Paragraphs #'s 127, 2132, 2141], it is still a violation of God’s law and of the commandments. The Church in its wisdom has foolishly presented Christ.

The Protestant Church has idolized its number of flock, or its worship band, they even idolized the image of the Cross.

When Aaron had built and worshiped the golden calf, he could have called it as the lamb to be slaughtered! Justification can happen on every event, but is our justification authentic? How do we define authenticity? It is through the word of God. Just as Catholicism accuses Protestantism of removing seven books of the Bible and called it the Apocrypha, the Catholic Church is also accused of adding to the Word of God through the “documents” and “encyclicals” which is equated with the views of Mormonism who [sic]
adds to the Bible.

If you take a man, enroll him in a discipleship program for one to three months; put him to sit for two years and call it formation, after those two years he will preach from the CCC [Catechism of the Catholic Church] rather than from the Holy Bible. This we have seen happen at our prayer groups. What has happened to the Priest is who has studied doctrines, theology & philosophy for fourteen years? How many of them do you find with an evangelical fervor?

Why is the Catholic Church not taking a stand and telling its people that kissing of a statute is not authentic worship and neither is the statue a mediator?

The main reason why a non-Catholic heathenizes a Catholic, it’s secondly because of our zealous devotion to Mary the mother of Jesus. Devotion is perhaps accepted, but the way people pray to her, Jesus seems to have second or no place. How much of a Catholic you are, is defined by the love to God only with the Holy Trinity and your love to people, not your devotions or rituals.

Living in a pluralistic society and a pantheistic culture, a pantheist doesn’t mind accepting Christ as one more of its gods, et al Acts 17:23 “For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship.” That’s what happens at our shrines, an addition to other gods. When a non Christian loses an article, he goes to St. Anthony’s shrine since he’s the patron saint of lost article. Who instituted that?

In trying to bring Christ into a cultural society, inculturation has caused more damage than presenting the Gospel. What is the use of inculturation if the true meaning and a true Christ is not being presented? When we have these practices, heresies and infidelity of the Gospel are unavoidable, as St. Thomas defines heresy: “a species of infidelity in men who, having professed the faith of Christ, corrupt its dogmas”.


There are priests who promote and incorporate pluralistic theism in disguise of ecumenism and inculturation. The Vatican is well informed about these wolves in sheep clothing but have found it difficult to act in accordance with the word of God. There are Bishops who attend seminars and large presentations of transcendental meditation, yoga and new age movements yet condemn other Christian denominations when there are evangelistic gatherings.

It is true that there have been instances that during Holy Mass, priests have read from the other non Christian religious books and used those texts during sermons to promote heresies. I have personally admonished one of India’s prominent Bishops for doing so.

Titus 2:1 You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.

When a Catholic priest is leading his flock into destruction and heresy, and when a protestant protests against this heresy and leads the flock back into the truth, he is doing exactly what is right and we Catholics just cannot blame a protestant denomination and call them sheep stealers for they are leading people into the Truth. (I mean this statement with the highest level of integrity as I am a Catholic)

James 5:20 Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

It is like this, if the parents abuse children, the government will intervene and protect the children from abuse and will put them in homes and appoint foster parents.

Titus 1: 9 He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

Though we have these ecclesiastical adulterers and perverts of the Gospel, we should not abandon our faith and go to another denomination. Just because our parents are not right, we cannot abandon them nor can we pretend that we are not a member of the family. That’s the reason why I’m still a devoted Catholic.

I called up my friend who is a God fearing, powerful politician right after his meal with President Barak [sic] Obama and in my conversation I asked him about the President. His response was “he’s liberal in his thinking”

On another occasion, due to my international missions and not being able to be in India for the Prime Ministers’ meeting, my friend called me from the PM’s office and told me that the PM is looking into the morality of the nation. Who is a better human being, Obama, a confessing Christian, professing that abortion is a freedom of choice, or Dr. Manmohan Singh, a non confessing Christian, with Christian values?

Brennan Manning reflected upon this thinking when he said, “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.”

The most powerful humans who hold superior positions in governments and businesses have embraced this belief system. India is one such country of secularism and fanaticism and extremism and radicalism. Quite sadly, the Church has become a victim to these systems and counterfeit beliefs. During sermons; there are so many preachers and priests who seem to propagate humanism and relativism if not the prosperity gospel.

The Church does not know anything about true success. We have built orphanages, synagogues and mansions, but we have forgotten to build the kingdom of God. We boast of having over a billion Catholics, then why are the Churches in Europe empty, shut down and converted in [sic] mosques and bars? The Protestant revolution broke out of Germany, then why have the Protestants failed in sustaining the Gospel amongst those it has evangelized to [sic]? We have become too complacent and have forgotten to set our hearts and minds upon the Lord. For the Catholic Church it has been how many rituals we profess. For the Protestant Church it has been how many souls we have brought into the Church, even if those souls were from another denomination.

“The first step in reformation is repentance. We evangelicals need to confess individually and collectively that we have betrayed the Great Commandment to love God with our minds. We need to confess that we have given ourselves up to countless forms of unutterable folly.” Os Guinness

The danger of the Church lies in its legalism of methods of worship.

What we need to understand is that in the West, secular humanism is the religion. A religion where there is no deity but self. In the East, the religion is pantheistic.. The danger for the Judeo-Christian belief is that we will be ostracized if we do not believe in a relativistic system. The Church needs to know to draw the line of polarities, stand united and support lay missionary organizations who strive to proclaim the Gospel in such heinous times as these.

The Church has to deal with the philosophical issues of outside the Church because the world is full of philosophies and notions. The Church needs to learn to think. We have become dumbfounded and cloistered in shells of the four walls of our Church and prayer groups.


I’ve come across many teaching groups who profoundly teach the word, but when a question is asked, they have no sense of rationality or logic to present the argument of the context.

We have come across Christian spiritual leaders who do not believe in Christ anymore, yet preach about Him or celebrate Mass.  A Bishop of England went of [sic] national television and said that he does not believe in the virgin birth nor does he believe in the resurrection. That night a storm hit one spot of that city and the altar at York Minster was scorched. Nobody knew what happened. The headline in London the next day said this: “If that weren’t of God, it ought to have been”. Even the skeptic began to criticize the Church clergy of double standards and the atheist moved from being an atheist to now being an agnostic because now he simply does not know!

Romans 1 says 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

Dearly beloveds, indeed, the time of the coming of our Lord seems nearer now than ever before. Signs of His coming are more prominent with the atrocities and disasters happening around us that the Holy Scriptures speaks about. It’s as if we who are in tune with the Lord can hear His footsteps and the roaring of His voice. Let us come to the Lord in fervent worship, living lives of purity. May garments of the bride be spotless at the coming of the Groom!

Much love and prayers,

Sometimes, it is difficult to understand exactly which side Dominic Dixon is on. For example:

-Just as Catholicism accuses Protestantism of removing seven books of the Bible and called it the Apocrypha, the Catholic Church is also accused of adding to the Word of God through the “documents” and “encyclicals” which is equated with the views of Mormonism who [sic]
adds to the Bible.

-You can call kissing and garlanding of a statue as veneration [CCC Paragraphs #'s 127, 2132, 2141], it is still a violation of God’s law and of the commandments… Why is the Catholic Church not taking a stand and telling its people that kissing of a statute is not authentic worship…

Dixon appears to reject Church teaching on annulment of marriage when he writes:

-You can call a separation of marriage as “annulment”, it is still separation and a violation of Mark 10:9 and it is propagation of divorce.

He apparently sees no problem with Protestants’ sheep-stealing from Catholics and indoctrinating them with their erroneous teachings of Sola Scriptura, Sola Fides and Sola Gratia. Being “born again”, “saved” and “justified” are entirely different events for most Protestant denominations vis-à-vis what Catholics believe:

-We Catholics just cannot blame a protestant denomination and call them sheep stealers for they are leading people into the Truth

If protestant denominations are “into the Truth” [with an upper case T], what then are we Catholics into?

Rohan Britto, see page 40, took issue with Dixon’s revelations of the results of his claimed survey on Catholics and the Blessed Sacrament. I am unable to comment on them because, due to Dixon’s unique writing skills, I am unable to understand what exactly Dixon was attempting to say.

I wrote the following letter to Rohan Britto, but for all the zeal he had displayed in writing to me, he avoided replying. Maybe, as with “Sunder Dass”, I should not have asked him for his telephone number or suggested that we should meet:


Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:12 PM

Subject: Re: FW: IDOL WORSHIP IN CHURCHES – An Open Letter

Dear Rohan, No, I did not receive your earlier letter of July 26 and that is why you did not hear from me.

Thank you very much for writing again.

I read and re-read several times the portion of Dominic Dixon’s article that you quoted. To me, it did not seem that he was saying that Catholics idolized the Blessed Sacrament or that he questioned the Presence of the Eucharist Lord therein.

Could you try to explain it again to me, or anything else that you have to share?

Your http://www.jesustheanswer.org
is not opening*.

May I have your Dubai telephone number please? I am coming there shortly on mission and would be delighted to meet with you. Michael

*I only opened it today, March 22, 2013 -Michael

Sent: Sunday, January 03, 2010 9:10 PM




Name Withheld
‘Michael Prabhu’
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 4:35 AM

Subject: RE: FYI: False investigation URGENT

I am sad that Dixon is such a difficult type… PLEASE TRY TO SET ASIDE ALL INVESTIGATION, ACCUSATIONS (even if you are totally right), this is a tool of the enemy to steal your time and to run down eventually your most important ministry.

I do not think that any clergy, Bishop or even Archbishop, will have any interest to see the truth of that matter. It will only confirm them in their view that the laity should not really be involved in “ministry-ing”, but should just live a “sacramental Catholic life”. You have to understand that most clergy are at heart “bureaucrats” to keep the structure of the Church alive. There is nothing wrong with that, as we have the greatest organisation in the world, functioning for 2000 years. It has always been up to the one exceptional character that followed the Lord’s calling to evangelise, to leave the safe haven and go out in the deep…

Just make sure, maybe with a letter of a solicitor, not the Bishop or clergy to warn Dixon about his threats to you and your family or colleagues. It should be officially recorded, but you have to chose a Catholic solicitor or lawyer and you should only write one letter and let the Archbishop have a copy, but do not ask the Archbishop to do more about. I believe that after a letter of warning you will be left in peace. From now on, even if you prayed protection regularly you will have to pray over your PC, books, correspondence, telephone, for protection under the precious blood of Christ.

Ask St Michael to protect your work and correspondence and the people you communicate with. Pray for the clergy involved to forget these incidents, do not seek justice, only protection of your person and work and of course the family.

If Dixon is not well, the more we have to be cautious to proceed. I think he goes down the path of many … leaders, who in the end lose common sense and fall…

If you carry on, all what will be remembered, whenever you bring attention to a wrong practice in our Church, will be “the man who caused us trouble”, forgetting about which issue it was and never remembering that actually not you but Dixon was the trouble maker. The whole thing is an attack on your work Ephesians 5:11…

Your … work is in forefront of the battle against deceptive invasions of esoteric or occult practices into our Church.

Even here we have to be careful not to “throw the baby out with the bath water”.

St Paul teaches about the freedom of a Christian in I Corinthians 6:12: A Christian is allowed to do anything he/she likes, BUT NOT ALL IS HELPFUL (for salvation), and “I will not be dominated by anything”. Here is the key and recognition and the limitation how far we should condemn anything…

I will pray that a speedy conclusion of this matter will take place… When I saw Dixon’s picture I was not feeling ok [about him]. I thought either he was mentally afflicted or too much influenced by evangelical Christianity … I thought, that like yourself he was not recognised properly and that was why he embraced the wrong teaching then gave up. But I do think, after hearing your report, that he has a mental problem, on the lines of a psychopath.

What I wrote was in view of the ever increasing persecution of Catholics, your ministry is in the forefront for it.

Fear of persecution I feel is the reason for the increased syncretism in India’s Church.

You are in the frontline against the enemy. You disturb his deceitful actions among our Catholics.

A lay person with an international preaching and writing ministry




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